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A Senseless Problem


Mirror Thrower
Sep 22, 2018
Reaction score

Yet again, more pamphlet's would've appeared on many walls of Regalia, nailed and stuck onto per usual. Even some could've been found within the sewers or in the Wraith itself. The paper wasn't exactly the same as the last ones, it wasn't as burnt but did indeed have the bronze burn color at the ends.
"Hello yet again, Regalia Citizens,

I hear a lot of talk about Kathar, what's up with that?
Yet another message for all to read. Understandable of why most hate Kathar, the most common reason is the Void, they're void tainted. But what of some of the certain individual Kathar's trying to make a difference to show not all are bad?
People, as a whole, shouldn't go out of their way to fix things their past generations did. Sure- there were many horrible mistakes made, lives lost by the hands of Kathar, though not all are accountable to these actions. Many, for a fact, haven't even spilt blood. I see Kathar trying so hard, staying up all night and day, just to do good deeds, trying to show that specific individual isn't bad as others claim. No one should be forced to do such, forced to try and make them look decently good just because their race did horrible things. In my last message, I stated all about Equality, that should also include Kathar. Not all are bad as we claim, and you know what? Aside from that, I know your pain, the hatred you feel for them. Because I myself, did the same, hated them for what the past generations did, not them as a person.
However, once again, it shouldn't be against the race as a whole, it should be against the individuals. You blaming the whole race is only going to lead to consequence on yourself with future and present generations.
I'm not asking for everyone to forgive every Kathar, but to stop blaming someone just for their race and not the person they truly are. Void tainted or not, is it their fault they were born how they were? Oh yes! How dare they exist into something they have no control of! NO, that is not how it should work. An Ailor is not in control of what they're born as or born into, an Isldar is in no control to change how they are race wise, if that is so true, then a Kathar is the same, having no control of the race they're born into.
With all this written, I ask for at least someone, not all, but /someone/ change their ways and heed this message."
Whoever had placed this up, the corner- usually where the signature went- was torn from, once again, no signature present.
Vakgu looked over the notice as it was brought to him, only skimming this one before he tucked it away in his desk, sighing out. "There comes a time where it's too much. People stop listening after a point, and we've long since hit that point with this attempt at a movement. People need to wait until posts like this are relevant again."
A mysterious blue cloaked warrior would read the paper yet again. "... I agree. Not all the Kathar are evil. Only the ones that pose a threat to the safety of the city and it's people should be considered". The warrior then leaves, taking one of the papers with him.
"Damn... this person must have a lot on their mind. They seem really hellbent on changing the city."

Is what a scarred Sundial would say after reading over yet another pamphlet. He'd take one and then continued to do what he needed to do.
Elliot made his way along the streets of Rose Court, a pamphlet catching his attention. His stoic gaze scanned over it, before mumbling to himself, "<SE> I swear, if ONE more dwarf tries to kill me..." and resuming his day.
While going through his morning routine a curate would rush towards him presenting him the letter, his tired eyes simply focusing upon the title. The Lord Reclusiarch simply sighed.


"Getting real tired of this heresy."
Your wholehearted belief in the goodness of man is a pleasing sign that perhaps natural innocence is not dead. However, your naïveté has no place in matters of state and war. Kathar who claim themselves reformed are just as easily informers for Dread loyalists and pieces in a larger spy network. I will take the opportunity to remind you that Voidling infiltration is what sunk the Allorn Empire of yore. Though the Regalian state doubtlessly does not seek to directly emulate this Elven power structure, it may derive meaning from the lessons which led to its fall. There is absolutely nothing wrong with hating the people you fought a nearly unparalleled war with not a year ago. Excess violence and prejudice are of course uncouth, and racial hatred is nominally undesirable, but it occurs whether the hated wish it to or not. Tragic as it is, it is a simple fact of life. I or any of our average fellow Regalian citizens would not survive a single week in Paärthalaär.

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Elliot made his way along the streets of Rose Court, a pamphlet catching his attention. His stoic gaze scanned over it, before mumbling to himself, "<SE> I swear, if ONE more dwarf tries to kill me..." and resuming his day.
planning to make a dwarf character just to bully you
In a reply, there would be a rough sketch attached to the board depicting an Altalar with beautiful flowing blond hair and strong, masculine features pointing over in a commanding manner, at a row of slouching, weak-chinned and tubby Kathar with bad posture walking in a line, their arms and feet chained together. The Altalar towered above the weak Kathar. Written under the piece were the words "Know your place".
There is a consideration one must make when putting their thoughts to paper, and one I believe you have most erroneously bypassed. In this case, you seem to have forgotten something well-known to the more enduring of peoples, namely in the fact that the Kathar, by the very virtue of their birth are naught else but genocidal lunatics and that such mental deficiency seems to have been passed down through each generation, becoming ever more prevalent with every passing moment. You claim there to have been no choice behind their condition, though I urge you, the misguided child who wrote this drivel, to instead study but a modicum of recent history for the answers you so blindly ignore. Even now, many amongst this city themselves willingly become as one with their kind. To what end then, I wonder, is your writing supposed to achieve? That a people so vile it runs through their veins can supposedly be 'good'? No, I say. Kathar are a people built upon not only lunacy and cruelty, but deceit as well. E'er do they seek opportunity to undermine those they view as their adversaries through trickery, which I must remind the readers, is everyone not of their complexion.

Signed, Itheralys.
One who is not a coward, unlike those with an opinion they know is wrong.
Yama Sillah
Would read this nodding a bit to herself.
"Makes a bit of sense."
Would procede to pocket the flier
Void tainted or not, is it their fault they were born how they were?

A particular Daendroque blinked.

"When the judgement time comes, the souls will be denied or granted. When denied, they shall be cast back as a non-Human, tormented to live life again as a lesser being to have a second chance at proving they deserve to be Humanum, such is the grace and mercy of the Imperial Spirit." - 4th Creed of Unionism