• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

A Second Proclamation.


The Regalian Chancellery, drawn at night.



The Consul Ravenstad on his second address as consul makes the following announcements:

  1. The tide is turning against the so-called Elven Empire. The Consul Ravenstad urges the Nobility to continue their steadfast service in these times of strife in order to ensure our victory.
  2. The Consul Ravenstad expresses his distaste for the criminals who acted against the law and attacked the Wodenstaff Estate. The Consul Ravenstad offers a swift condemnation of the cowards who act in the shadow of the night, cloak and dagger.
  3. Under coordination with the Consul Typhonus, Grand Commissioner Kade and the Imperial Steward, there has been an established plan for how to handle the dragon crisis. It has been identified that the she-witch named Rikirra must be captured at all costs, and not killed. It is also the wish of the state to capture and kill her Arken Generals.
  4. The Consul Ravenstad comments upon the d'Ortonnaise announcement, in which the d'Ortonnaise matriarch makes the Consul and general populace aware of a Sancella Investigation. The d'Ortonnaise Matriarch mistakes her kin's authority within the most Holy Synod to her own, although she holds no official clerical rank within the Synod and is not formally a part of the Sancellist hierarchy. It is expressed in distaste that the Matriarch would dare misrepresent the Sancella in such matters.
  5. The Consul Ravenstad does not take lightly to the damning accusations the d'Ortonnaise Matriarch makes against his character and challenges the d'Ortonnaise to an honour duel. The Consul Ravenstad allows the d'Ortonnaise to pick an appropriate champion, for he will not beat a woman bloody.

As we walk along the Way,

Consul Vulmar Ravenstad,
Duke of the Hinterlands,
Past Helerian Guard to Supreme Reverend Ultor.
Juliette eyes the paper from her maid before giving a laugh, glancing upwards towards the servant as she offered the parchment back, "An honor duel? Why finally. I do hope I'm better by the time that occurs."
"An honour duel?"

The young bloodcast knight spoke to himself, reading the consular writ posted on the noticeboard. His eyes narrowed thinly, scanning over the political nomenclature a few times in a desperate bid to understand the situation's brevity. No illumination came.

"Fighting for some esteemed peerage might help with my reputation, though."

And with that the hedge knight took down 'd'Ortonnaise' and scrawled the name in his travel-book.
"An Honor Duel?" Edmund said as he read the paper. "That is what it said, Ser Karhter," Replied Edmund's Butler, Alfredo. "Things just got significantly more interesting..." Edd remarked, before he returned to sharpening his sword.
Rosalia Heinrich,

Her eyebrows creased slightly as she was spoken the news by her maid " May the spirit protect, d'Ortonnaise" She murmured under her breath before dismissing her maid back to her duty.