The snow fell hard on the streets of Regalia, and Saelihn An'Kaynan limped forward, awkwardly tugging at her new collar, which was filled with lapis- though luckily not achates, she noted. The past few weeks has been the worst of her life. Normally she'd have enjoyed the pain, but she didn't enjoy walking around Regalia with six fingers and a wooden leg. The Azure Order had done the kindness of sawing off her one good leg, and she gulped upon remembering that it could have been much worse. She'd seen so many terrible things within those halls.. Why, it scared her to think about it.
The physical injuries weren't the only lasting mark it left, either. She found herself paranoid of casting, stuttering despite her growing confidence- yet another thing that was slowly making her lose it. During those weeks in the Spire, her expression turned gaunt, her skin much paler than was normal - even for a Saivalthar. All not-so-complimenting to her bloodshot eyes and darkened eye sockets. All were side-effects of Void Sickness, and she knew it. Saelihn had been in a state of mild panic as soon as she had stopped hearing voices in the Void, realizing that something was wrong with her. Her pride and arrogance had grown exponentially, and she was finding it increasingly harder to fight against it.
Questions flooded her mind. What would people think of her? No, that didn't matter. She was above them all anyways, she thought. Spite filled her mind; hatred of the Azures and that blasted Qadir bastard. Especially him. The questions returned after a brief period of angered thoughts, though not about herself, about House Tzavaras. What would happen to them after news got out that Apollonia was such close friends with a heretic Shadow and Slither Mage? She shuddered, both at the thought and at the cold, limping home.
Saelihn An'Kaynan had been broken.
When you see edgy stories and you get really tempted to write your ownd edgy story but then you realise that an edgy story requires edgy and ur not edge so you have to get edge from somewhere but there is no edge nearby so you have to go to a long road trip for a quest to get some edge but then you end up failing so you just buy some edge from the local edge store and then you have to write your story then add edge in precise amounts which is actually just dumping a whole lot of edge into the story with absolutely no control which is edgy in itself so you then get your edgy story and post it into the forums and brag about how edgy it is. Okay count the amount of times I spelled edge :)
hatred of the Azures and that blasted Qadir bastard. Especially him.

When you see edgy stories and you get really tempted to write your ownd edgy story but then you realise that an edgy story requires edgy and ur not edge so you have to get edge from somewhere but there is no edge nearby so you have to go to a long road trip for a quest to get some edge but then you end up failing so you just buy some edge from the local edge store and then you have to write your story then add edge in precise amounts which is actually just dumping a whole lot of edge into the story with absolutely no control which is edgy in itself so you then get your edgy story and post it into the forums and brag about how edgy it is. Okay count the amount of times I spelled edge :)
not edgy enough
This is awesome! Why didn't you tag me? Not awesome in a sense of Sael being tortured and traumatized. But I love this writing, and basically the entire formatting.

On a less goo goo note about the writing. Poor Sael... I honestly almost cried reading it.
This is awesome! Why didn't you tag me? Not awesome in a sense of Sael being tortured and traumatized. But I love this writing, and basically the entire formatting.

On a less goo goo note about the writing. Poor Sael... I honestly almost cried reading it.
Thank you for the compliments! And, no idea why I didn't tag you, probably 'cause I did this p late while exhausted and I was in a hurry to remember all Sael's best friends and everyone involved.
I realize necro, but this is appropriate.


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