It was a cold night in the Crown Isles, a Nelfin pacing towards the harbor under the bright full moon, frantically reciting formulae. The Corontium breeze sweept over the cities cold, dark blue shores and coastal structures. With it, the clashing of waves collided with the built in structures on the coasts edge, weathering with moss and lost sediments. An occasional seagull called overhead in the distance. Along the night harbor was that Nelfin of sun kissed skin tone, now perched atop a barrel in waiting. As he waited, the busy sounds and celebrations of sailors became audible, operating cranes and laborers at work to load a ship preparing to set off to Fendarfelle.
He peered down into the waters below him, visible through the cracks of the weathered pine docks. In his shimmering reflection he spotted a stranger in his place. They were mourned, like the other beaten victims of the Manathar. Like him, they had attempted to get on with their lives, or at least pretended to, but unintentionally segregated themselves from many others. What was a large group of comrades and friends diminished into a handful. And even that handful had shriveled into a select few. Perhaps it was the inability to come at peace with oneself. He was rapidly changing, and couldn't figure a strategy on how to prevent the natural causes. What was once a self-aware, young man, stood a stranger and a fool. He thought he had the world figured out. He thought he had himself figured out. But in those final moments, he learned that he knew nothing.
With the looming threat of beasts in the city, perhaps it was his time to go. Whether permanent, or for a break, he couldn't teach himself. After-all the voyage he was undertaking was something to learn from. Caught, not taught. He needed to take the experience for his better good, for he had endured the city long enough without progress or recourse. It's politics, the creatures within, its laws, and the people within. They were rapidly changing for the better while he was not. Staying in the city proved to be relentlessly continuous. He had to leave to adapt.
That night, as the ship disappeared over the horizon of the cold dark sea, the Nelfin who was previously stood at the dock in waiting vanished, leaving behind very little.
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