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A Reverendly Message

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Hiemis consalutatio ab aeterno

Seasonal Greetings, and good health,
Abbot Médard of Mt. St. Lucia,
Reverend of The Synod

25th December, 305 AC.



The Gardens of The Faustian Abbey, Mt. St. Lucia


Upon us, we face one of the harshest winters of our time. A winter that of which sends a chill, through even the thickest of Calemburg furs, the sturdiest of Anglian cottages, and the warmest of fire pits among our tavern halls. Not since the cursed wintertide of 279AC., has our people been struck with such bitter cold, and such moral despair. Though, ours is not to despair, but to strive onwards, in thoughts of Spirit, Emperor, Church, and nationhood. As The Heron Olennaise is said to have spoken thusly:

"Let not your suffering blind your faith, with selfpity and tears. For it is through suffering itself, that we may find the Spirit."
-The Saintly Address of Olennaise

These words are kept close to this Abbot's mind, as he writes to you from the halls of the blessed Cathedral. For it is in these times of hardship and pain, that both smallfolk, and peerage alike, show the strength and martial like steadfastness, that we oft see in our most Holy Emperor. The Spirit watches over our deeds, this falling winter, and it will judge us by our tears, our flight, as well as our resolve and perseverance.

Under the guidance of the previous High Reverency, His Imperial Holiness' Churches made great strides in merging the Schism that has plagued our generation, and those before. Much alike the unifying foe we see in the elves, we too must unify if we are to project the Spirit's will. The Abbey, and myself, send all Etosians our warmest sentiment, that this process shall remain in the Sancella's mind, until we achieve the unified strength, and peace, we all seek to cement. The brotherhood of Union is an unbreaking bond between Mankind, irregardless of our creed, our station, the love we bear one another is of proportion beyond understanding to the Heretic. Spirit willing, we shall all walk the way together, in time.

May the Sancella be with your thoughts the remainder of this seasonal period. Thoughts of faith, of prayer, of comfort, and safety. On closing this address, I give you (as oft we do, in our blessed addresses) a prayer,

O Blessed Spirit, whomst is all good, and does all good,

Whomst, by our careful prayer, does know the strength of thou following,

Do, with all thou divine power, make mend of the divide we mortal men have spurn upon ourselves.

Fill our hearts with your eternal love, and let no man forget your guidance, in favour of false icon,

For it is all mankind who must combat the plans of thy cursed enemy.

Bless our kith, and our struggle to be won, for you.

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