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A Response To The Unlawful And The Ignorant


Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Kinwrey, Gallovia
Roleplay Guilds
House Howlester, The Vigilant Shield.


It comes as no surprise that once again House d'Ortonnaise's interpretation of State Law is as queer as a twelve regal coin. If House d'Ortonnaise had been following current recent events, perhaps House d'Ortonnaise would realise that this reactionary action came about as a result of encroachment on Howlester owned lands by House's Haagenvig and Sorenvik. House Howlester levies have not left the confines of Howlester lands, and thus, no infraction of the Interior Peace Minister's blanket law has yet been breached. If such actions are to be interpreted as a breach, House Howlester challenges House d'Ortonnaise to also make a respective denouncement of House Haagenvig and House Sorenvik, both House's conveniently absent from House d'Ortonnaise's declaration who have taken the exact same actions against House Howlester, and both title holders of said families conveniently not having presided over Baroness d'Ortonnaise's murder trial. We hope that this is purely just absent mindedness of the events unfolding and not simply petty behaviour from a woman who prides herself as a virtue of Ithanian etiquette and poise.

Furthermore, what House d'Ortonnaise is suggesting by their proclamation, is that non-aggressive forms of defence of property should be made readily illegal under the Interior Peace Minister's blanket law, so in turn...

In reaction, House Howlester denounces the d'Ortonnaise drafted the "Pan-Ithanian Defensive Treaty" that operates in the exact same principle as House Howlester's movements to secure their lands from an external threat.

The Treaty reads as quoted:



The signatories agree to take up arms and align in war against any foreign power invading or interfering with their holdings. The signatories denounce any attempt to interfere with the sovereignty of the Ithanian sub-realms and their independent governance and wov to prevent attempts at such. Within this, the treaty refers to the sub-realms of Vixhall, Loiree, Pays Sud, Rivellia and Basta.


The signatories agree to not invoke this treaty in any offensive war, and in any war they clearly provoked themselves by force in order to disguise an offensive war as a foreign invasion. The purpose of this treaty to cross-guarantee rightful governance between the benefactors and to prevent foreign influence"


Adrienne d'Ortonnaise
Matriarch of house d'Ortonnaise

Stéphan Valeur
Patriarch of house Valeur

Enzo Celyreos
Patriarch of house Celyreos

Sophia du Polignac
Matriarch of house du Polignac


As such, House Howlester believes it only natural that if House d'Ortonnaise wishes to denounce House Howlester's preservation of their own holdings, they ought to in turn denounce the measures taken by themselves, in this very same week, for attempting to ensure the security and sanctity of their own.

Moreover, House Howlester has commenced diplomatic talks with House Haagenvig and House Sorenvik already, and has come to an agreement of non-aggression with mutual respect of each other's holdings.

House Howlester additionally had, less than twenty four hours ago, also called upon the support of the Interior Peace Minister, so that House Howlester, Sorenvik, Haagenvig and Zastorzy may return to their respective provinces and concentrate on the threats external to the archipelago, with the knowledge that all respective provinces owned by said House's will remain secure. House Howlester awaits patiently and in good faith of the Peace Minister's response to our plea.

Incidentally, House Howlester finds House d'Ortonnaise's attempts to secure the security of the archipelago noble if not somewhat ironic given the obvious purpose of House d'Ortonnaise's declaration was to cause additional strife.

House Howlester implores House d'Ortonnaise to read more into current affairs in the North as well as be mindful of their interpretation of Regalian State Law and the current Interior Peace Minister's Law, especially given their understanding of Law in the past was slightly skewed given that they believed that murder and adultery was an acceptable virtue.

Furthermore, House Howlester challenges House d'Ortonnaise and their Ithanian Treaty Pact members to match the current contribution of 50,000 men dedicated to the State by House Howlester.

Finally, House Howlester would like to issue two final comments on the matter, both relating to the issue in the North, and the declaration made by House d'Ortonnaise.

For the Northern Lords

"House Howlester has no interest in your lands or subverting your culture. Keep to yours and we'll keep to ours"

For House d'Ortonnaise

"House Howlester is very cautious of people whose actions don't match their words or virtues"


@Lady_Ortonnaise @ZiggyStarDusted @Bertramqaz @Mooffins @Jouster @AlphaInsomnia
Aldrich Morgann sat in his office, unpacking his boxes that came with him from Locarnio Montania when his secretary brought him a copy of this response. The legally adept Morgann read it over, enjoying every moment of it before calling out of his office door to the secretary desk. "Make a note for me to apply to this man's lesser courts on my soonest free day."
A notice to the peerage, in reply to the response.

There is a major difference between a reactive treaty and a show of force. Namely, the reactive treaty signed never implied a show of force and has not occupied thousands of soldiers from the front to send a message of diplomatic pressure. Had house Howlester actual intents of negotiations, those would have started prior to shipping tens of thousands of soldiers across the northern sea.

The main difference between the armies present is that both Haagenvig, Sorenvik and Zastórzy armies remained in the regions they were drawn from, whereas house Howlester ferried 90,000 troops to their desolate province. Furthermore, if the Howlester intentions were all that peaceful they would have appealed to the Interior Peace Minister only, and not to a clear show of force.

Even more, the Ithanian houses currently devote a total of 25,000 troops to the war, of which 20,000 are d'Ortonnaise. House Howlester could easily match our ratio of contrubiton if they ferried those 100,000 troops to the Elven front.

From the information presented by the Howlester announcement, three possibilities could be assumed:

1. That House Howlester was given preliminary authorisation to field an army of such size before negotiatons by the Interior Peace Minister. In such a case, house d'Ortonnaise won't contest the legality of Howlester actions, merely their bearing on the Elven war and apologises to the Interior State Minister for the ahead-of-time denunciation.

2. That House Howlester discussed the matters in the past 24 hours with the Interior Peace Minister, in which time period information could not spread. In such a case, house d'Ortonnaise won't contest the legality of Howlester actions, merely their bearing on the Elven war and apologises to the Interior State Minister for the ahead-of-time denunciation.

3. That House Howlester bluffed when invoking the Minister's words, in which case the situation is even more dire than the denunciation described it to be.

Either of the three cases will be resolved with a meeting or notification between house d'Ortonnaise and the minister proper, until which the denunciation will stand.

A response to the response was pinned up against the original post. Many of the points contained quotes from the d'Ortonnaise post, which was conveniently below House Howlester's for comparison.


House d'Ortonnaise says show of force, House Howlester says show of security.

House d'Ortonnaise again hypocritically fails to recognise from the following that:

Desolate or not, Billunderborg is a Howlester region. Howlester levies have a right to be stationed in their own lands. Either make the denunciation against the Northern Houses who performed a true 'Show of Force' or continue to demonstrate your hypocrisy.

Even more, the Ithanian houses currently devote a total of 25,000 troops to the war, of which 20,000 are d'Ortonnaise. House Howlester could easily match our ratio of contrubiton if they ferried those 100,000 troops to the Elven front.

House Howlester will be more than happy to do so when the Northern Army removes itself from Katriane Howlester's borders. Again, conveniently forgotten.

There is a major difference between a reactive treaty and a show of force. Namely, the reactive treaty signed never implied a show of force and has not occupied thousands of soldiers from the front to send a message of diplomatic pressure. Had house Howlester actual intents of negotiations, those would have started prior to shipping tens of thousands of soldiers across the northern sea.

Ignorance of the original post as to where it was stated that House Howlester has been in talks with House Haagenvig and Sorenvik already. Howlester troops will be removed from Billunderborg borders when House's Haagenvig, Sorenvik retract theirs. See first point made related to 'Show of Force'.

Additionally, the Ithanian Treaty expressly outlined that military measures may be taken such as, and again I quote "take up arms and align in war against any foreign power invading or interfering with their holdings". House Howlester did just that when a band of 60,000 velheimers commenced the North's largest ever picnic outside of the Howlester Province's border. This is getting painful to have to re-explain.
2. That House Howlester discussed the matters in the past 24 hours with the Interior Peace Minister, in which time period information could not spread. In such a case, house d'Ortonnaise won't contest the legality of Howlester actions, merely their bearing on the Elven war and apologises to the Interior State Minister for the ahead-of-time denunciation.

I implore you for your narrow sighted three possible conclusions. Let me add another. William Howlester made correspondence with the Interior Peace Minister early yesterday morning via letter outlining the security risks the Velheimers had caused by marching their armies in their entirety, again with no contribution to the State as of yet, to the borders of Howlester owned Billunderborg. Our army is stationed in Billunderborg as a safety measure, and will not act against the Velheimer army unless they enter Billunderborg with the intention of hostile takeover.

They say that "Sorry seems to be the hardest word". Better start practising, House d'Ortonnaise.

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