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A Response To The Gazette


Professional Procrastinator
Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score

Addressed to The Regal Gazette & Staff,

First and foremost, I would like to thank House Vis-Vegcht for its efforts to provide the capital with updates and news about daily happenings. I myself have always found mornings to be supplemented with a fresh copy of the local paper. The latest issue, however, gave me pause.

I am uncertain as to what House Vis-Vegcht intends to suggest with its statement that the rebellious group in Narlas was "too much for Jamie Rosendahl." Such wording implies that they are of the stance that the situation was simply too overwhelming for me to handle, and that there is a general who the battlefield would've been "just right for" - someone who could've turned the tide to the positive. My intent is not to inflate myself or my abilities; my intent is to ensure that readers of the Gazette aren't manipulated by its withholding of facts, most notably that the Old Freedom forces were more than
twice the size of the Black Levies. I would've hoped that the Vis-Vegcht's military history would've granted them the ability to realize that an army of 30,000 engaging a force of 60,000 would only spell a resounding defeat. Perhaps the Vis-Vegchts consider surrendering themselves to death to be more favorable than living to fight another day.

Knowing the Lord Vis-Vegcht's overall generous intentions, I grant him the benefit of the doubt. I'm inclined to believe that this simply was a case of sloppy phrasing, and I trust that in the future, the Gazette will use more selective wording in its issues and will discuss the full array of facts to avoid such confusion. And while I doubt it true, should Lord Vis-Vegcht truly believe that he knows of some master tactic to handle the situation, that the prior minister (dismissed for his inaction on these very rioters) so kindly descends from his platform of knowledge and divulges those ideas to prevent further bloodshed.

Spirit's Blessings,
Jamie Rosendahl
Black Levies General
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A letter would soon be posted under this notice.

"Pit me up against an army twice the size of my own if you want, I will retreat. Only a fool would engage an army twice the size of his own and not retreat at some point, you are no fool, Jamie, you retreated, lived to fight another day. There is nothing in the paper saying that I would have beaten an army twice the size of my own, but that is what you seem to be implying. If you have a question, just say it, and I will answer. -Edmond Vis-Vegcht."
Leon Claudio looks at this notice from Jamie, he sighs seeing Edmund's name on it "I just hope they dont have bad blood within them." he said before walking away.