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A Rat Pleads To Raven


haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Posted neatly to the Regalian Notice Board would be a note written on perhaps less than fine paper yet in a neat script.
To House Ravenstad,
More specifically, Lady Czylle Ravenstad and Lord Erwald Ravenstad,

Not too long ago, in this very Willow, a tragic accident occurred at my own hand due to a situation that got out of control. I unfortunally hit Lady Ravenstad after she defended herself from my criminal attempts that I've since been punished for by the Hightowers themselves. While I seem the worst of Slum rats, that is not the case; when I hit Lady Ravenstad it was from pure reaction of her strike on me, though I am sincerely sorry for causing such pain and tragidy due to my actions. As such, I would like to ask that my calls of corruption against House Ravenstad that I claimed in the last Commons Court session be dismissed with hopes that this will finally put to rest the drama this event has caused. Such actions can never be forgiven, I fear, but I will try as hard as I can to make up for it, though I do not have much to offer to succeed in said goals due to my economic and social standings as a common Slum dweller. Until then, I will remain in contact with either Erwald or Czylle Ravenstad should they wish to ask something of me as this is all I can currently offer.

Spirit be merciful,
Czys just read over the note and walked away. She hadn't been to the last Commons court, so didn't really know the context ... nor did she care to learn it.

She was still bitter about the scenario and wasn't quite ready to forgive.
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Agatha felt rather chuffed at Azra's efforts, a content smile playing at her lips. It was a good start, atleast. There was still a lot of work to do, but Azra had set herself on the right path.
Darius scoffed, then broke out into laughter upon reading the poster. The Isldar made no attempts at hiding just how hilariously pathetic he found the plea.

"That wee shit doesn't mean any of it, not only is she a thief and a childkiller, she's also a bloody liar too!"
Avynn read the notice, running a hand along her face. "Like I said before, I feel bad because she's only a child. At the same time, she's annoying as all hell and I doubt one could soon forgive her for what she's done."
Erwald had noticed the poster first thing in the morning after reaching the city centre. Upon realising what the note was, his neutral expression faltered into a thoughtful frown as he read through its contents. He was satisfied the girl had complied with his request though was unsure how she could offer anymore to settle the matter. He just wanted it to be over.

"Something to discuss with the wife, I suppose.."
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