Archived A Random Idea

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Speaker of the House
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
Gro'ek Hegemony
(So this is a random idea, completely understand if it's turned down, but I would like to write it anyway.) As far as I know, factions and Regalia have no connection, for valid reasons of course. I've always thought it'd be cool to attempt to merge them in some way, so factions have some level of impact or relationship to Regalia. To do this, I thought it'd be interesting to host a tournament to conquer Regalia. It could be a temporary thing and exist purely for RP purposes, but I thought it'd be fun. Maybe a faction can be made to represent the armies of Regalia so that they have a chance to retain it. I feel itd add to the lore, turning factions into barbarians in the eyes of the nobles. Leadership wouldn't mean much, but maybe a crown is made as a lore item and it passes to whichever faction conquers Regalia next. Maybe you get some regals to represent the factions treasurey. I understand that this is a basic idea and how it could be disliked. I feel itd exist simply to establish there are other lands out there, battling for control of new territories and Regalia is not beyond their ambition. Again, probably a terrible, waste of time, but I thought it'd be fun.
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Maybe some KOTH version of this would be fun, but I would definitely not merge it into lore.
I made a suggestion in a thread a while back, which probably got spammed out by salt like a lot of threads were back then to be honest lol, on adding some system where Factions can register/apply to be deemed "Lore Compliant", with fairly strict requirements on this: IE no claiming to be a noble or lord, no edgy crap, yada yada. Thats the only real way I could see Factions lore merging with RP. That being said, I wold love to see PVP Tourneys hosted in an RP-Geared manor. IE: Have nobles "pay" PVP fighters to battle for them in a Tournament similar to the PVP Tourney that was hosted yesterday, set in Regalia in a fight pit, ETC. Give the random PVP events some RP context essentially.