• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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A Public Notice From The Sancella


11th of December, 305 AC
Exarch Benedict XI​



Dear Citizens of the Holy City,

It is with great importance that we, the Reverends of the Synod, place this notice upon Notice Boards about the city. We, the Sancella of Union, wish to place forward a search for His Eminence, Anthonius Gewitterman. He has been assumed missing at this point, his disappearance bringing the collective of the Sancella great fear as to his fate. Please, if you spot His Eminence, inform him to head to the Unionist Cathedral immediately. Our gratitude and Imperial benediction.

Spirit's Blessings,
Reverends of the Synod

Scribed by Reverend Aelfric Aherne

[A sketch of Anthonius would be posted at the bottom of the parchment for reference.]


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Merina, despite the terrible contain of the letter, gave a small laugh and quickly covered her mouth. Soon after though, as she limped off, she'd murmur, "That's what you get for trying to kill me, Father. Karma's a b-tch, ain't it?"