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A Public Message From The Kaisermark

Pinnded on various announcement boards around regalia would be the following:

From the office of the Kaisermark Fleet:

No families or businesses of any kind shall attempt to make movements of private militaries, fleets or levies to outside the Archipelago without direct permission from the Emperor or Undercrown. Those who find themselves trying the inact any of the previously mentioned shall be stripped of their weapons and sent to shore. Failure to comply with the Kaisermark forces will result in hostile retaliation, with the opposing ships being regarded as a threat to the security of the Empire.

The Kaisermark Fleet and its Inspector-Admiral do not have the time nor patients for egotistical nobility who feel they can move an army through Imperial Waters at will.

Spirits Blessing,
The Secretary of the Kaisermark Fleet
"You gotta' train" - Nathaniel Bigge
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Reddulf sighed, then turned to one of his house staff in exasperation. "Send a letter to Nathaniel Bigge. Tell him the two of us need to talk."
Pinned under the notice was a brief letter.


It continues to amaze me how many members of our military hierarchy feel the need to wave their sticks about on the public notice board. You are in charge of armies, fleets and levies yet you idle, penning up threatening messages where most who look are of less privileged backgrounds and therefore irrelevant in your threats. You are soldiers, men of action, not pathetic town criers. Perhaps if you all remembered this we would be celebrating a victory over the Masaya instead of deploying more troops to front.

Einarr Norrvakt
Baron of Eert Locghain
Member of the Burning Circle
Matthias Heinrich
"By the Spirit, Nathaniel is pissing off even more people by abusing his powers. I believe he needs to be taken down a peg or two. By the looks of it, others feel the same way..."
He then continued on his way.
Alfons Birkwood

He would be walking past and happened to notice the letter " Think about your next actions Bigge, your digging yourself into a very deep hole" he'd carry on his way
Allard Dueal/Capecci

Allard just looked at the note, sighing. "This is why Regalia simply cannot have possession of nice things."
Matthias Heinrich
"By the Spirit, Nathaniel is pissing off even more people by abusing his powers. I believe he needs to be taken down a peg or two. By the looks of it, others feel the same way..."
He then continued on his way.
Eyed Matthias turning to him with an arched brow
"You do know that it's his duty to govern the military affairs in the Kaisermark waters right?. If he wants the waters clear of private militias for whatever reason, it is not in the slightest an abuse of his powers.

He is even adding what he takes to the state. It would be another story if he took it for House Bigge, but he is doing completely legal things with a probable, tactical reason."

With that Edmure gave a huff, going to stroll of himself as to not spam this page up further with a lengthy conversation.
When word of this reached john as he was on the deck of an Anglian Frigate trying to desperately keep it from sinking in a harsh storm, he yelled at the messenger for not helping with the leaks before he read the letter... "Not this time bigge, not this time...". John tosses the letter overboard before telling the crew that they must reach farahdeen as soon as possible. He then started to pump water off of the deck with the crew.