Archived A Possible Way To Integrate Rp Into Pvp

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Authoritarian Overseer
Jan 16, 2017
Reaction score
Deldrimor Dominion
Here is a possible idea that brings the idea of real civilization and real war to a completely different level: (Also, this might work well if NPC soldiers can be integrated.)

A separate world with designated territories for cities which separate factions can claim. They can build anything on those lands, and each city designation controls a certain part of wilderness. Each city's "control" is comprised of a central pillar which any enemy of the faction controlling the city can click and it will begin a countdown to shift control. Members of both factions must be online for the "process of conquering" to commence. In that time, the attacking faction can either begin a temporary surge into the city's area, laying siege to it, or simply wait and gather materials to attack. The mechanics of attacking would be as follows: Faction A is the Attacking Faction and Faction B is the Defending Faction. Faction A walks onto the lands of Faction B. The faction will be given a message: "You have committed an act of war against Faction B. If you do not vacate their lands within 30 seconds, you will be recognized as at war with Faction A." If that faction is still on Faction B's lands, a message will be displayed to Faction A: You are now sieging the territory of ______. Once they get within a certain distance of Faction B's city, Faction B will see the message, "You are now under siege by the Faction _____." In this period, Faction A must gather sufficient materials and devices to breach the defenses of the city. If the city has a recognized, Gate, then it will be breached through the device of explosives and battering rams. If the city has a recognized, Moat, then it will be breached through the device of bridge or float. If the city has a recognized, Wall, then it will be breached through the device of magonel, catapult, trebuchet, ladder, or belfry, and so on accordingly. Faction A must fight their way through the city (possibly protected by NPC guards? And maybe hirable soldiers as well?) through to the town square or castle, where there will be the "control pillar" which Faction A can click. There, they must wait for a certain amount of time to capture the city. In that time, there must be at least one player of the Attacking Faction in the castle. The countdown and siege can both only start if there is a player in Faction B online, but will not end if they log off to prevent abuse. Another function is that Faction B can re-tp to the city for one day after its capture to re-take it, but after that period, they must undergo the same process as Faction A.

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I think it has potential, but would be incredibly difficult to code.
This is cool, but has been done to death to an extent on other servers. Kinda sounds like KOTH on a giant scale
I like the idea, but I have to agree with Mech. The server's biggest bar to these kind of things is just the sheer manpower it would take. Tech Department is hardly bustling with aspirants or members- its barely at three now, and that was after months of being stuck at two.

But, I do like the general ideas, maybe one day something like this could be made.
Cool idea but like everyone else said, I'd assume it'd take a while to code and most tech staff are pretty much busy a lot of the time so implementing this would probably take it a lot of time, so meh.
While this idea is very entertaining, it does not completely fit onto MassiveCraft as it seems to just be providing another gameplay mode. We want to limit these as much as possible. We have KOTH because all players can enjoy it with relatively little loss and quite a bit to gain if they win, plus it didn't require any coding as it was an external plugin (which finally had its bugs fixed so it could be re-added).

Unfortunately the manpower in our Tech Department is currently focusing on improving the gameplay features that already exist on the server, such as sending some much needed TLC to the Factions plugin and gameplay. After that, they will likely be focused on other important features, fixing bugs, etc.
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