A Pink Sunset

A pink sunset.

A flourish of vibrant shades of pink and a box full of chocolates. The remedy to a fragile, cracking heart of an innocent noble girl.

A young, fragile noble girl walked along the path through the park as the sun shone brightly in the sky. In her grasp was a bouquet of various shades of pink peonies and in her other hand held a book and a small box of chocolates. Her pace suddenly picked up as she got closer to the looming estate near the park, her feet hitting the gravel and dirt path before beginning to tap against the stone floor as she got closer to the stone staircase before quickly stepping up the stairs and pushing open the door. The girl would quickly move through the estate, attempting to avoid the servants that were bsutling throughout the estate, to run up the stairs to her room on the third floor seeing as her cousin came back and took her old room. As the sound of her shoes hitting the wooden floor rather lightly as she quickly moved to push open the door to her room, seeming to avoid the aid of the servants in the estate. Once into the room she'd close the door behind her, her faithful house guard now standing outside of the door as she kicked off her shoes.

Raina would carefully set down the flowers, book and box of chocolates onto her desk that sat in her room. Once she deposited the items she'd quickly move out of the room, proceeding to shuffle through the closet to find a flower pot before making her way back to her room after filling it with water in the bathroom. As she stepped into her room she'd set down the flower pot before carefully putting the flowers into the pot. The young girl would move to gently nudge one of the flower petals with one of her thin fingers before taking a sniff of her favorite flower. After indulging in the smell of the flower for a few simple moments she'd let a soft smile come to her face before turning away from the flower pot after she pushed it away from the desk's edge. As Raina stepped away from the flowers her eyes flicked towards the box of chocolates before she turned to grab them and moved to sit by the windowsill where a couple of more flower pots held various different flowers, the love of flowers shining evidently from the healthy and well cared flowers.

Once at the windowsill, she'd sit down on the edge carefully as she had done so many times before. She'd open the box once more, peering down at the assortment of chocolates before moving to gently pluck one up to take a taste of it. Not like she would tell the person who gave her the chocolates that she had to be cautious of how much chocolate she ate in one sitting for fear of her weak and ill body to collapse once again like it had done so many times before. After eating a piece or two of chocolate, clearly content with its sweet taste she'd glance towards her book on music, specifically the art of the piano. After a begrudging sigh, the young girl would close the small box of chocolates and moved to hide them in her dresser drawer before moving to continue her musical studies. Her barefoot making a soft pitter patter on the floor as she moved to go down into one of the lounges of the estate, taking the familiar seat at the piano as she had done so many times before. She'd take out the sheet music she was practicing and set it on the stand before beginning to practice the rather saddening song she had been working on for the past couple of days, her practice showing that she had begun to learn the song with a few minor mistakes.

As the music flowed throughout the nearly empty estate, the few servants that were there among the house guards soon made their way up to listen to the young girl play. A faint smile on the young girls lips, one that hadn't been there in a long time now played onto her face once again.