A Phoenix Calls

"It was midnight fall upon the slums dark alley, and many cloaked figures with bitter frozen hands walked into a tavern with dragons on back. The meeting had started to discuss their future, their hopes and dreams now scattered anew, a crimson headed woman whom downed in feathers raised her hand and laid waste to silence."

A Phoenix Calls - Scribed by Kaldric Bordor

Within the slums, somewhere between the main gate and the vampire district, seventeen shadows had gathered under the moon-lit and candle-lit glow to discuss the future of their families. The people varied from Ailor to Isldar with all stoic faces that could pierce the soul. They sat around a round oval table, made of pine and oak in a room without a roof. Their was little else in the room but bodyguards, scribes and merchants whom had either been forced into the slums thanks to Zzarlo or were stuck in before the outbreak occurred. I sat at the far end of the table, closest to the door as a scribe of the so called round table, a servant of the head of the table. Worried chatted filled the room, too much to describe, their was trades deals, arguments, slave trade and all other manner of shady attire filled the air, suddenly broken silent but the crashing of the charcoal black door bursting open with much force, moving some weary members from their seats.

A cold breeze blew into the room, a blackened woman standing within its arch. With that she entered the room with the door slamming behind her. The table had grown silent, not even a snicker could have been heard, not even a breath or sigh, a pin could drop and even a deaf man could hear it. Her ice cold gaze looked over the fearing men and women, my hand twitched in terror, blood red horror filled the eyes of everyone, even the Orc guards whom followed me in. With that she took her seat, all fearfully gazing upon her brow, for her words would lead everyone here to salvation or void.

The group talked for hours and hours, with no end in sight. They talked about the plague, the Circci, the Dakkar and more, how the guards were controlling us and how the religious viewed us. The room was silent the entire time but for a few questions, some about friends, some of family, but all were hopeless as the crimson divine shot down their hopes as they were flies in a pond of toads. The meeting continued on, my stomach growled like never before. My slave girl assistant looked at me with great sorrow as she rubbed her head, until our fearless yet horrifying leader rose from her seat, gave a bow and left us in the dark.

Why did she leave? Was the meeting over? What was the true point to this? Were we safe?

The questions piled up and burned as our leader's daughter entered the room to guide us out, our hearts taken in with the warm blankets she had made for us and sweets sent in from cafes and bakeries outside the slums, we thanked our host one final time along with her bodyguard and friends. leaving with little hope and little knowledge to help us...

All we knew was this...

We were alive and with supplies, we were thankful for that much...
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[OOC Note]
This meeting happened on the 01/10/2017 and was hosted by Terisary Eshria to discuss the status of the slums and the Zzarlo plague. During the meeting with members of the Eshria Guard and others they discussed mainly about the Circci and what use they could serve now after the plague. The group also spoke of the Dakkar allies that had to flee to Jorrhild and how they are living.

At the end of the meeting the Eshria Guard shared supplies to each other and left for their houses and other locations.

Hope you enjoyed the read~