Archived A "peaceful" Mode Idea Poll.

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Massives biggest Adventurer and Conspiracy Maker
Oct 9, 2013
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Ravensong, the derpiest RP one around.
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Aight, Hello everyone, Tra_kad here.
Prepare your eyeballs for a LOT of reading...
I'm unsure of where to put this poll, so I'm placing it in General for right now, Forum Admins, feel free to move it to a more proper place that I don't know of.
So, we've all been there, trying to build a sooper kewl fort, RPing with your bros, or just running about the lands like a wild man.
Then, suddenly, you get murderelized to death by a band of premiums in full Diamond set and you watch from the Respawn screen as you see them tear down your build, murder your bros, or just take your stuff and leave.
Plus, you really, really, wanted to keep that one item in your inventory. So you just kinda curl up in a corner and cry, because you know, there was nothing you could have really done, and now they have that one item.
So, what CAN one do?
Well, here's a concept that's PROBABLY been talked about by people before, but I haven't seen any forum polls on it, sooo now I'm doing it.
(NOTE: This has been a idea before me, made by the wonderful @Chadwick at the following link:
Here's the idea that I have: A command for PVP enabled worlds that allows individuals to be set to a "Peaceful" state so that they DON'T get murdered to death by people, and get to keep that one thing. For now, let's call it "Massive Peaceful Mode", or MPM*, the * for marking it as not MPM as More Player Models.
(I'm so creative in names, amirite?)
Anyways, of course, one must wonder:
What would the command do?
Super simple stuff: when in a PVP enabled world, simply do "/peaceful true" or something to that effect, and BAM, you are in MPM*.
What happens while in MPM*?
Again, super simple stuff: You simply can't be murdered by anyone wielding a axe or any sorta weapon. Same to fists.
Well that seem's pretty OP Tra, what are some restrictions?
Well, this is where it get's complicated.
As long as you are such-and-such blocks away from a enemy OR their faction land, OR any faction members of a faction you are in, OR in any faction land excepting Wilderness, then you may activate it. However with it, one must stand still for such-and-so seconds for it to take effect, I'll say 30 seconds for now, AND must not take any damage. If one fails to meet the time restraint, he/she must wait a full minute (or so, timing can be changed) before trying again. The enemy people and territory restraint is so that you can't just say "Lul no" to a raid when you see the raiders coming. The fellow faction members restraint is because if you're already in a faction of your own, with other people, you should be able to make a defense against the attackers, and the other faction land excepting Wilderness restraint is so that you can't just do it in a allied territory or in the spawn area of the world you just pop in, EX Havenreach in Ithania, I think.
(To make it even less OP if this still is OP, I would say there would be a time limit as to how long you can keep it on, like per say, about half an hour to a hour. This is a thought in progress, so feel free to leave commentary)
Well that seems jolly good, but is there anything else?
Yes, in fact, there are 4 more noteworthy things that I should state loud and clear:
While you will not be killed by players, you can STILL be killed by mobs in wilderness.
If you turn this on, you will not be able to enter a enemy faction, so that you can't just do whatever.
Once you turn this off for once, you must wait another time period, I'll say about 15-30 minutes, until you can activate it again.
If some guy kills you with a diamond sword, that's one thing, if he actually starts fighting your character in RP, that's another thing entirely.
Well then, what uses could it have?
Well, the main reasons I think of this is for the noobs of Massivecraft. The ones that don't have a faction, nor know what their doing, and also the ones that can't afford it, or just like soloing it and walking around the worlds, building what they want and keeping it safe. The 3 main reasons are:
1. Those that are trying to build something in a area.
2. Those that like to RP in unclaimed territories that you worked on. (I've done this, and it's kinda fun until, well, you read the prolouge)
and 3. Those that just like exploring the worlds.
So, in other words, short list of pros that I can think of:
1. Can RP freely in areas without fear of a OOC raid.
2. Can freely explore the world without fear of loosing precious items that would presumably be on ones being.
And 3. Can freely build something, presumably a house for living in RP.
Well, where is it's downfall?
The only real con that I can see is that it would most likely be a very, very, VERY hard plugin to fully code into the Massivecraft universe for the admins, it being so convoluted and what not. There is also the note that people will more then likely argue with:
"Wellll, the guy can just join a faction if he's a noob, or he can make one..."
First of, one does not simply "make" a faction. It's a lot of Regals. You don't really spawn in with 2000 regals now, do you? Secondly, it's actually kinda hard for a noob to join a powerful enough faction, as most of them usually accept those that know what their doing. (I do speak from experience, as I did spend a good long chunk of time factionless when I first joined)
Also, usually factions just usher in factions wanting to raid you immediately around the vicinity. So that kinda defeats the purpose of keeping it safe from raiders when you're trying to build up the faction walls but the raiders are already there.

Feel free to point out good and bad things in the idea, as again, this IS a thought-in-progress that I wanted to talk about. If you want to make a suggestion to a specific place, simply quote the area that fit's it best or tag me in a comment, and leave the feedback that you will.
Anyways, have a MASSIVE DAY!
(Hopefully ending with you keeping that one thing in your inventory)

P.S. I did say prepare for a LOT of reading, did I not? :3
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If you could only be in peaceful mode for so long, that'd be nice.
Well, that's what commentary is for, my amigo. I'm assuming you mean the part where you can only keep it on for certain amounts of time, right?
This would look a lot better if you aligned it to the left, kind of hard to read centered like that.
This would completely ruin PVP. Allowing anyone to become invincible to other players at all would ruin PVP. This also wouldn't stop someone from going into peaceful and dropping a bucket of lava on the enemies head while they are completely helpless, or something similar. The PVP are called "pvp" worlds for a reason. They're to PVP in, not to become invincible and not have any chance of dying.
Moved to Feature & Idea Discussion
Woot I offset the voting balance by voting yes! Like ive said in previous threads. There are people who do not want to take part in pvp and forcing them to do so makes the server not so fun for them. Its like forcing a friend to play in a game of monopoly when they only want to play risk. We dont force pvpers to rp and pvpers shouldnt force rpers to pvp if they dont want to. There needs to be (and what seems to be implemented here) limitations to prevent pvpers from abusing the system and alot of the past systems ive seen does just that.
Woot I offset the voting balance by voting yes! Like ive said in previous threads. There are people who do not want to take part in pvp and forcing them to do so makes the server not so fun for them. Its like forcing a friend to play in a game of monopoly when they only want to play risk. We dont force pvpers to rp and pvpers shouldnt force rpers to pvp if they dont want to. There needs to be (and what seems to be implemented here) limitations to prevent pvpers from abusing the system and alot of the past systems ive seen does just that.
Rpers aren't forced to pvp. They could stay in Regalia, or make their base impenetrable.
This would completely ruin PVP. Allowing anyone to become invincible to other players at all would ruin PVP. This also wouldn't stop someone from going into peaceful and dropping a bucket of lava on the enemies head while they are completely helpless, or something similar. The PVP are called "pvp" worlds for a reason. They're to PVP in, not to become invincible and not have any chance of dying.
Not if say while in that mode you can not attack other players or it knocks you out of it. Alot of people on this server come on it to rp and not pvp. I have a pvp account and an rp account and would like this for rp.
Base things i could see about this
While in this mode.
1: Peacefull can't be attacked by players
2: Can not attack players
3: Can not build portals
4: Premiums have an advantage like quiker times
5: could call it RP mode meaning you are an Rper not a pvper.

+1 Support
Rpers aren't forced to pvp. They could stay in Regalia, or make their base impenetrable.
There are Rp Factions and some people like having their char explore or go to another rp faction. This would also be good for Rp events on other servers besides Regalia.
Rpers aren't forced to pvp. They could stay in Regalia, or make their base impenetrable.
1. We would like to make use of the lands outside of regalia instead of worrying about pvpers outside of regalia.
2. Kind of impossible with ender pearls unless we build underground or build a box or the infamous suggestion of a bunker. which really limits our building skills. All of these suggestions are ridiculous cause then you guys complain about not being able to get in.
There are Rp Factions and some people like having their char explore or go to another rp faction. This would also be good for Rp events on other servers besides Regalia.
If it is an official rp event they can't attack it. That's disruption of rp.

1. We would like to make use of the lands outside of regalia instead of worrying about pvpers outside of regalia.
2. Kind of impossible with ender pearls unless we build underground or build a box or the infamous suggestion of a bunker. which really limits our building skills. All of these suggestions are ridiculous cause then you guys complain about not being able to get in.
Than raise an army, make friends, or deal with it. Even if it's above ground, you can close your doors.
If it is an official rp event they can't attack it. That's disruption of rp.

Than raise an army, make friends, or deal with it. Even if it's above ground, you can close your doors.
You need two weeks notice and not all people know this. So say five people make an event of exploring one of the world's people may kill them not knowing they are part of that event. But whatever. I came to this server for rp. Not PvP.
While I do like the thought of not having to worry about fending off random raiders at any given moment while out in the wilderness, I also enjoy the challenge of constructing something relatively decent while being vaguely prepared for one of those turds that enjoys killing off peaceful builders. I don't know, I feel like traits can always be beneficial to those that don't want to fight, such as having an absurd amount of health or the ability to turn tail and run at a breakneck speed. Again, I really shouldn't even take part in this conversation due to my cowardice in the wild (I'm typically far too underground to even bother with or near enough to my faction in the event of a hostile passerby).

Awesome ideas regardless. :'3 Best of luck to you, @Tra_kad ~
Nope, this sort of thing has been suggested many times and rejected every time. Why should you not be attacked in the wild? It's the wild, it's supposed to be dangerous to wander around without protection. Also it is more than possible to build very nice, secure buildings above ground. Just don't leave holes in the building, quite simple. Someone suggested that rp'ers sometimes like to wander around in the wild to try and find rp? Personally I have never seen this, obviously I'm one person but I believe this is very rare if it does exist. Finally if you do want to wander around in the wild without people killing you if you just do dynmap hide then you're likely to be safe. To clarify, yes I am a pvpers not an rper, but this seems unnecessary to me.
Nope, this sort of thing has been suggested many times and rejected every time. Why should you not be attacked in the wild? It's the wild, it's supposed to be dangerous to wander around without protection. Also it is more than possible to build very nice, secure buildings above ground. Just don't leave holes in the building, quite simple. Someone suggested that rp'ers sometimes like to wander around in the wild to try and find rp? Personally I have never seen this, obviously I'm one person but I believe this is very rare if it does exist. Finally if you do want to wander around in the wild without people killing you if you just do dynmap hide then you're likely to be safe. To clarify, yes I am a pvpers not an rper, but this seems unnecessary to me.
Once again we cant build with out being ridiculous because you guys will just jump our walls. and the reason you rarely see people rping in the wild is more than likely because of you pvpers. The only safe place for us to rp is regalia because you guys dont back off. Why should we have to hide from you? All of your suggestions dont really help us as rpers. As i said in the previous posts of this suggestion.Rpers do not train mcmmo religiously like pvpers do. You guys are extremely over powered because of it. Build an army takes away from our time on the server. Waiting for allies can take a good amount of time while we get killed off. Ive laid waste to a faction while they waited for allies to come. Telling us to wait for allies is like waiting for the response time of the local authorities while your house is getting broken into. Better to defend yourself but like i said above it doesnt work like that
Why can't people just join factions that both features PvP and RP instead of being those dayum sterotypes they are <.<
I mean really... The RP'ers would get protected and the PvP'ers would be able to PvP. Isn't that pretty much what everybody wants?
Why can't people just join factions that both features PvP and RP instead of being those dayum sterotypes they are <.<
I mean really... The RP'ers would get protected and the PvP'ers would be able to PvP. Isn't that pretty much what everybody wants?
This would make that more possible. It allows for the pvpers to not get caught up if a battle does break out in the faction.
Once again we cant build with out being ridiculous because you guys will just jump our walls. and the reason you rarely see people rping in the wild is more than likely because of you pvpers. The only safe place for us to rp is regalia because you guys dont back off. Why should we have to hide from you? All of your suggestions dont really help us as rpers. As i said in the previous posts of this suggestion.Rpers do not train mcmmo religiously like pvpers do. You guys are extremely over powered because of it. Build an army takes away from our time on the server. Waiting for allies can take a good amount of time while we get killed off. Ive laid waste to a faction while they waited for allies to come. Telling us to wait for allies is like waiting for the response time of the local authorities while your house is getting broken into. Better to defend yourself but like i said above it doesnt work like that
1) My suggestions don't help rp'ers? Sure, but this suggestion limits pvpers.
2) You are more than able to build bases without being attacked so long as you do not provoke anyone. Take Mithril and Sylvan for example, two large well built factions, both heavily involved in rp.
3) "Pvpers are OP" Well if you don't want to put time into training mcmmo, learning how to pvp and getting gear, why should you be able to easily fight someone who does? You choose to put your time into rp and that's fine but don't complain about pvpers being OP.
4) Get better allies? You'll find that most hardcore pvp factions will constantly be looking for pvp and will be happy to help. Also you can literally just have a secure f home and you won't be killed over and over.
This is just an idea, but why not make the peeps make an application for the peaceful mode? So you wouldn't have to worry about the rules as much, I'm NOT saying it would fully take those issues away, just make them smaller. All in all I love the idea! So, goodluck with this whole Idea, I hope it goes through.

Costs of things would drop even more. Cause people will die less.
Ergo, the economy would become even worse.
That's enough it itself for me to just say nope.
Deleting poll and locking down thread.

The permanent answer to this question is no, no matter what the poll results come out as. The fact that it's impossible to build or roleplay in a survival world faction is severely stretched out of proportion. I have spent about 10 hours in the past month building in Mithril, breaking down houses, and spent half the day role playing there yesterday. There wasn't a single raid. If you don't roleplay or build because you /might/ get raided once a week, you're really just biting yourself in your ass.

Peaceful settings can and will be abused, as they have always in the past. It's also incorrect by lore standards that you would never be attacked by rogue elements of local societies.
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