Archived A Peace Keeping Force

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Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois, USA
After the whole Imperial debacle all of us can learn a thing or two from the experience. To ensure that something like this never happens again, I would like to suggest a permanent peace keeping force that is composed of some of the most elite PVP players on the server. It was clearly demonstrated that even when the majority of the whole server united, it was still not enough to stop the Imperials effectively. The resistance was disorganized, and lackluster at best, and if the Imperials haven't gone away on their own, there would still be no one there to stop them. The requirements to join this peacekeeping force should be extremely strict, and multiple factors should be involved such as MCMMO stats (although this by no means makes up for, nor determines PVP skill, it is still a contributing factor), time on the server, your reputation for PVP, experience, etc. This peace keeping force would be called upon, and sent into the most dire of situations, and would be completely subsidized, supplied, and supported by the Regalian government. This would provide a purely player based/RP based solution for anything that gets out of hand PVP wise, such as the Imperials. To conclude the reward for being a part of this peacekeeping force should be proportionally high to the strict requirements the program would have, the incentive must be there for skilled and experienced players to join. Members would still be part of their faction, but they would also be part of the Regalian peacekeeping force permanently, and to distinguish them they would have perhaps capes, or even a tag on their name. It would be almost a staff-like position, but more heavily player oriented and involved.
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I think this is a very good idea. It would help stabilize the Massivecraft world and provide a deterrent to a second event such as the imperial war.
Agreed. Even after hating the Imperials I have come to respect you for the efforts you make to restore peace. I'd love to have a peace-keeping force to stop something like that from happening again.
A voice whispers from the shadows,"The drums of war still beat in the afterlife. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed by the gods are those who stand prepared. For even in death, evil shall plague you."
i seriously dont like this idea, wars helped to shape the world, first, how much fighting is considered 'bad'. and if i want a war, then let us have one, a person could just try to declare war on the peacekeepers anyway... and sometimes the 'best' are still beatin
i seriously dont like this idea, wars helped to shape the world, first, how much fighting is considered 'bad'. and if i want a war, then let us have one, a person could just try to declare war on the peacekeepers anyway... and sometimes the 'best' are still beatin
I am going to keep my input out of this for now, because I want to see where this idea leads to, before I decide how I feel about it.

However, I would like to bring up one note. It would be near impossible to actually declare war on them, due to the fact that according to this idea, the members would be scattered among other factions, so theoretically you would have to declare war on many, many factions. This is not the only pro to this situation, but there are definitely cons, as well.
I personally didn't like the idea of Imperials to begin with. Although I was part of it. And a peace keeping force to prevent anything that happens later like the Imperials seems like a great idea. If a faction wants to be feared yet respected and have an impact on the whole server, do it like Invictus or Alamut. Don't try to take over the damn server. Anyway, I do respect Valyria for making this thread.[DOUBLEPOST=1361406370][/DOUBLEPOST]
i seriously dont like this idea, wars helped to shape the world, first, how much fighting is considered 'bad'. and if i want a war, then let us have one, a person could just try to declare war on the peacekeepers anyway... and sometimes the 'best' are still beatin
I don't think you were at all involved in the Imperial-Coalition war. This isn't saying that all wars should be stopped by peacekeepers. This is saying that if more people try to take over the server by themselves by enslaving smaller factions, then they should be stopped by a peacekeeping force.
I like this idea a lot.

Edited because I was indeed off topic.
"A mysterious figure approaches from the darkness" The idea is good, but remember why we fight, it is as leaves fall its in there nature. A peace-keeping force would only stop and bottle up the hatred between factions, it would soon burst and plunge factions into a brutal war. As long as another threat doesn't occur like the Imperial Tyrants, which won't happen again, things will be fine, you of anyone Ikorolch should understand.
Honestly, I think it's unnecessary. If the trouble is that bad, all these people will come together anyway. Just like when the entire server attacked Imperials.
It could have some problems. Think of this situation

Big faction "lets attack any small faction that does not pay us 10s a week"
Small faction "Help we are getting raided call the peace keepers"
Peace keepers come, fight off big faction, but use potions and other items
Peace keepers "small faction we helped you, you need to repay us with more points and if you want continued protection you need to pay us 1s each a week"
Small faction "but we don't have that much we are a 6 person semi-active faction, and we though you protected us for free"
Peace keepers "nothing is free, if you do not pay us we will attack you"
Small faction ;(

I know this would probably not happen but the idea is am trying to get across is if a permanent peace keeping force we formed after a while they would want payment and when there are no threats what's to stop the peace keeping force taking over the server themselves. If they were the 'best' pvpers and they had several powerful factions supporting them we would get imperials all over again. Different people maybe but the same goal. Not to mention this one would probably be even more powerful than the first.
I generally oppose the lack of war on the server and will do whatever coverted sabotage I can get my hands on to keep it going : D
Honestly, I think it's unnecessary. If the trouble is that bad, all these people will come together anyway. Just like when the entire server attacked Imperials.
I would have to disagree. Nothing like the Imperials ever happened on this server, or at least on that scale, nothing has ever stirred the server up so much. I don't know if you were present for the conversation we had with everyone, and MonMarty, but it was clearly getting out of hand. The Coalition proved to be an inadequate force, like I said it was lackluster at best, and the majority of the best PVP players on this server were either on the Imperial side, or weren't participating to begin with. Having an elite peacekeeping force supported by Regalia would offer not only better resistance, if anything like the Imperials should come about again, but also it would be a player based/RP based solution that would actually be successful so that admins would seldom get involved. It would only be deployed in absolutely rare cases, and it would allow large wars in a more controlled environment, with a better challenge. There is no question that a large portion of players were involved in the Coalition, but it was an issue of quality, not quantity. The reason why the Imperials ended was because the person who began it chose to stop it otherwise it would have kept going until the admins put a complete stop to it.

I generally oppose the lack of war on the server and will do whatever coverted sabotage I can get my hands on to keep it going : D

How devious! :S
I very much like this idea. Stopping another Imperial Empire from running all over the place is pretty important.
Also Marty's post scared me.
i seriously dont like this idea, wars helped to shape the world, first, how much fighting is considered 'bad'. and if i want a war, then let us have one, a person could just try to declare war on the peacekeepers anyway... and sometimes the 'best' are still beatin
As funny as it may seem, it would be similar to the United Nations. You can't necessarily declare war on them due to many different countries, or in this case factions participating. If you did, you would essentially be declaring war on the Regalian Empire, which is physically not possible due to Factions, and if this happens the door would be open for any necessary measures to be taken RP wise.

It could have some problems. Think of this situation

Big faction "lets attack any small faction that does not pay us 10s a week"
Small faction "Help we are getting raided call the peace keepers"
Peace keepers come, fight off big faction, but use potions and other items
Peace keepers "small faction we helped you, you need to repay us with more points and if you want continued protection you need to pay us 1s each a week"
Small faction "but we don't have that much we are a 6 person semi-active faction, and we though you protected us for free"
Peace keepers "nothing is free, if you do not pay us we will attack you"
Small faction ;(

I know this would probably not happen but the idea is am trying to get across is if a permanent peace keeping force we formed after a while they would want payment and when there are no threats what's to stop the peace keeping force taking over the server themselves. If they were the 'best' pvpers and they had several powerful factions supporting them we would get imperials all over again. Different people maybe but the same goal. Not to mention this one would probably be even more powerful than the first.

This would not be possible. The peacekeepers would be entirely supplied, and payed for by Regalia to begin with, hence why the strict requirements to join. It would be an extremely coveted, respected, and prestigious position. If my suggestion was to ever be taken into consideration in its original form, the peacekeeper is basically almost like a staff member who solves giant conflicts through in game PVP measures, providing a player based solution to something like the "Imperials" and leaving admin intervention as a last resort. If there is no conflict to solve, or peace to enforce, they go about their daily lives in their own factions until their assistance is required. The peacekeepers will only be dispatched in the rarest of cases, they would never be involved with the day to day conflicts between factions.

Furthermore, due to the extreme expansion and growth of this server, and the inevitable release of sharding, I think a peacekeeper's force will be more necessary than ever especially in the coming months.
The peacekeepers would be entirely supplied, and payed for by Regalia

So...This means, there would be players, who get supplied by the staff with diamonds, enchanted armor and stuff just to annoy people, who want to make war?
And still, the requirements to join this force would be a high mcmmo skill.
If they get cheated equipment, why not cheated stats as well?

I don't like this idea of a band of players, who get supplied by admins.

The most people, who have high mcmmo stats or, who are good in pvp, are that good in pvp, because they do much pvp.
They tasted the sweet taste of war and now there is nothing to compare with it.

If you feel responsible to keep peace in the continents of massivecraft, fine.
But do it as a player and not as an admin supplied "peace keeper".
I personally didn't like the idea of Imperials to begin with. Although I was part of it. And a peace keeping force to prevent anything that happens later like the Imperials seems like a great idea. If a faction wants to be feared yet respected and have an impact on the whole server, do it like Invictus or Alamut. Don't try to take over the damn server. Anyway, I do respect Valyria for making this thread.[DOUBLEPOST=1361406370][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't think you were at all involved in the Imperial-Coalition war. This isn't saying that all wars should be stopped by peacekeepers. This is saying that if more people try to take over the server by themselves by enslaving smaller factions, then they should be stopped by a peacekeeping force.
Austin i really like you as a friend and wish that you never left argonia. With that said you were along side of us ,enjoying many of the raids that imperials were a part of. If you were so strongly against the imperial effort, you never mentioned it before that i know of. This idea imo can cause the same impact down the road as the imperial conquest. The best players on the server fighting together can cause a bond that can someday be a much bigger issue in the future. On another note, No disrespect to Valyria, why have you went from being a faction of pure evil to a lobbiest for peace on the server? I think in many ways Valyria has throwing the blame of the imperials on argonia when they were right there with us. Many people want peace including argonia.
I disagree. It's the ups and downs of war and peace that I think are most important to have. Creating an elitist group to stop empires from rising is silly, and wasn't that was Valyria used to be so many months ago? You fought Argonia because it was growing to fast.

Anyway, I disagree.
So...This means, there would be players, who get supplied by the staff with diamonds, enchanted armor and stuff just to annoy people, who want to make war?
And still, the requirements to join this force would be a high mcmmo skill.
If they get cheated equipment, why not cheated stats as well?

I don't like this idea of a band of players, who get supplied by admins.

The most people, who have high mcmmo stats or, who are good in pvp, are that good in pvp, because they do much pvp.
They tasted the sweet taste of war and now there is nothing to compare with it.

If you feel responsible to keep peace in the continents of massivecraft, fine.
But do it as a player and not as an admin supplied "peace keeper".

MCMMO wouldn't be the sole requirement, many factors would be involved in it, which is what I said in my original post. You just took what I said and you went down a slippery slope with it. This is a suggestion, not something that is set in stone, meaning every detail of this can be worked out. This wouldn't be meant for day to day wars, this would only be used in extreme cases such as the "Imperials", or anything else that has server wide repercussions. And I don't feel responsible for keeping peace, I merely made as suggestion on here. You were present for the conversation with MonMarty, and about twenty other players. So let me ask you this would you want the Admins to come in and stop something like the "Imperials" (which would inevitably happen if it kept going the way it did), or would you want a peacekeeping force actually capable of fighting to come in and give competition? I'm sure you'd prefer for an admin to tell you to stop and go home, instead of fighting someone worth fighting judging by the attitude in your post. "Supplied and payed for by Regalia" can be interpreted in twenty different ways, and can be done in an infinite amount of ways.
I would prefer and admin to stop it instead of fighting players, who got supplied by the staff.
Even though you call them peace keepers, they run around with armor and weapons, which werent obtained the usual way.

Of course you could just say "Well, then no armor from creative mode for them." But then the motivation of them, fighting with and losing their own stuff would be very low.

An admin is not allowed to spawn stuff for himself. Why should they then spawn stuff for players to "keep peace"?

How else could Regalia supply players?
I prefer large amounts of wars happening everywhere :P
It spices up rp and gives many ppl a person to hate rp wise.
I would prefer and admin to stop it instead of fighting players, who got supplied by the staff.
Even though you call them peace keepers, they run around with armor and weapons, which werent obtained the usual way.

Of course you could just say "Well, then no armor from creative mode for them." But then the motivation of them, fighting with and losing their own stuff would be very low.

An admin is not allowed to spawn stuff for himself. Why should they then spawn stuff for players to "keep peace"?

This has already been done by admins (Wolfram) in the Imperial struggle, I don't think you were present though, and all items were taken back (if you want I can show you a video of Wolfram's sword with ten enchants on it). I didn't say anywhere in any of my posts admins would spawn in items for players. Saying Regalia will supply the peacekeepers doesn't mean the items would have to be spawned in, it can completely be done without spawning anything in. I can see how you can automatically think that that means spawning in items. "Spawning items in" could be a viable route to take, but an unlikely one and would be pointless and on this point I do agree with you. Either way there has to be some sort of an incentive for players to join this "peacekeeping" force. Even if the items were "spawned in by admins" as you put it, how would it be any different than the items everyone else is using? if you really want to go as far as fighting "Regalian Peacekeepers" then you should be prepared to do so. Or you could simply say "paid and supplied by Regalia" is strictly RP. Either way the whole point of why I even made this suggestion is that I'd rather fight a formidable force, than have an admin telling everyone to stop fighting.
Even if the items were "spawned in by admins" as you put it, how would it be any different than the items everyone else is using?

How would it make the items different from the ones, that people duped?

Or you could simply say "paid and supplied by Regalia" is strictly RP.
In this case it would fit.

Members would still be part of their faction, but they would also be part of the Regalian peacekeeping force permanently
For this to work members of the peacekeeping force would have to be leader or officer of a faction or they would have to have the support of their leader or officer on this.
Or there must be a plugin, that allows them to attack every player.

I'd rather fight a formidable force, than have an admin telling everyone to stop fighting.
It would indeed be nice to have some worthy fighters on the other side.
But I still highly doubt, that anyone, who can be considered as a smart and strong fighter would join this force.
How would it make the items different from the ones, that people duped?

In this case it would fit.

For this to work members of the peacekeeping force would have to be leader or officer of a faction or they would have to have the support of their leader or officer on this.
Or there must be a plugin, that allows them to attack every player.

It would indeed be nice to have some worthy fighters on the other side.
But I still highly doubt, that anyone, who can be considered as a smart and strong fighter would join this force.

There is no oversight, or limitation on duping, that is how it is different. Supplying a peace-keeping force can also be done in form of donations by players through the "Regalian Government", or the income gained from players purchasing shops can be used to purchase supplies, and pay for peacekeepers completely legitimately, either way there is an infinite amount of possibilities, I can go on all day about alternatives to "spawning items in".
Well in this case, you asnwered all my questions I had. I just wanted to make things clear.

About that force, if you really think it is a good idea, then you should just create it.
Well in this case, you asnwered all my questions I had. I just wanted to make things clear.

About that force, if you really think it is a good idea, then you should just create it.

You raised absolutely valid points. Honestly you can take this idea and you can run with it in any direction, which was my intention originally. This suggestion is just an idea, nothing more and nothing less. It is a starting point, and discussion on this subject can lead to something new and enjoyable for all players. I personally would not want to start anything like this through a faction based system, it would need to go on a level above that. In the end all I want is a solution that is as fun as it is creative. A solution that all players can enjoy, and be a part of one way or another.
So would the peace keeper be supplied with items bought with regalia rent money.
So the money you pay to rent a house goes to but diamond amour and weapons for the peacekeeper.
This would be a good idea as money would not be lost from the server and items should retain their value.
So would the peace keeper be supplied with items bought with regalia rent money.
So the money you pay to rent a house goes to but diamond amour and weapons for the peacekeeper.
This would be a good idea as money would not be lost from the server and items should retain their value.
Like I said this is just an idea, it could be a possible way to do it. The income Regalia get's needs to be used somewhere anyway, which I am sure the admins have plans for anyways. All options can be considered. I am just making a suggestion, and everyone discussing this helps the suggestion to from into a solid idea. Whichever way the staff chooses to execute this idea, if they choose to implement this in some form is completely up to them, none of this is set in stone or is official it is just a resource that staff can use if they so choose.
Austin i really like you as a friend and wish that you never left argonia. With that said you were along side of us ,enjoying many of the raids that imperials were a part of. If you were so strongly against the imperial effort, you never mentioned it before that i know of. This idea imo can cause the same impact down the road as the imperial conquest. The best players on the server fighting together can cause a bond that can someday be a much bigger issue in the future. On another note, No disrespect to Valyria, why have you went from being a faction of pure evil to a lobbiest for peace on the server? I think in many ways Valyria has throwing the blame of the imperials on argonia when they were right there with us. Many people want peace including argonia.

Don't get me wrong, I like to raid and more of a PvP kind of person rather than RP, but I didn't want to mention that I didn't actually like this whole idea of Imperials. When it started I thought it was a couple trivial raids, but it quickly turned into the whole server turning against Argonia/Valyria. One of Alamut's rules is to fight anyone, even my friends. Almost every faction Argonia attacked had a couple of my friends in it. I am willing to fight anyone, but the amount of people Argonia/Valyria were attacking was just ridiculous.
So...This means, there would be players, who get supplied by the staff with diamonds, enchanted armor and stuff just to annoy people, who want to make war?
And still, the requirements to join this force would be a high mcmmo skill.
If they get cheated equipment, why not cheated stats as well?

I don't like this idea of a band of players, who get supplied by admins.

The most people, who have high mcmmo stats or, who are good in pvp, are that good in pvp, because they do much pvp.
They tasted the sweet taste of war and now there is nothing to compare with it.

If you feel responsible to keep peace in the continents of massivecraft, fine.
But do it as a player and not as an admin supplied "peace keeper".
Then have Regalia buy its gear.
Hmmm. As always, I'll get back to you.
This has already been done by admins (Wolfram) in the Imperial struggle

Those were more experiments on my behalf disguised as roleplay to prevent a full blown outrage.

  • The gold armour experiment was a failure.
  • The diamond armour counter-attack-watchdog-shenanigan led to the nuke nerf of the naga's.
  • The Wolffram 2 minute survival battle contributed to an ongoing discussion about potential remodelling of PVP aspects.
Even if supplying a peace force was a good idea IC, Regalia benefits from society being split and at war with each other from a roleplay perspective, so I cannot find a good way to explain them supporting a peace force.

You are free to organise your own peace force, but don't expect any help from the admins or any admin created faction.

I'm locking this thread with that last phrase in mind.
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