A Night To The Rejects


professional meme-lord who does mineman rp
Feb 10, 2020
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[!] Notices branded into walls with cyan flame could be found in the hidden corners of Crookback, and in the darkness of the Sewer tunnels.

An Exist Spirit by the name of Cass calls for any Spirits or other Mystech that wish to live like the people of the city to gather for a night of partying, music, and socialization! She encourages any who come to this gathering to bring some form of self-expression with them to share with others, whether it be music, art, poetry, etc., and prove to themselves and others they are capable of being the people the world claims they aren't. Friends of any Mystech or Spirits are welcome to join in the activity and party too, as long as they do not cause any unnecessary trouble.


OOC Info:
[!] If you wish to crash this event, please DM me ahead of time so we can work something out!
I'm very much expecting several Knights/Anti-Occult to come bust the party, but I'd like to know who and when so I can plan ahead.

When? - Saturday, January 13th, 6pm PST / 9pm EST
Where? - Emergency Exit Tavern
Who? - Any Spirit/Mystech (who isn't a murder hobo) that wants to find themself as an individual/identity or get to know fellow freaks. Friends that are non-Mystech allowed within reason, inquire with Cass upon entry.
Why? - We're on that rebel shit tonight, let's have some fun being artificial beings and figuring ourselves out (and as such good for people just getting into/fleshing out a new Mystech character!). Also, the Mystech player base desperately needs more activity.