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A New Tearoom To See


haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Common and Noble Folk of Regalia!

With the coming times of cool and cold weather, the opening of a new tearoom should be grand news! At La Jarrow Tearoom we offer hot soups and drinks for reasonable prices. Our soups and teas are all made with the finest and freshest of ingredients for the lovely people of the Crown Isle. The new business is run by myself, Clementine Bötticher, the inspiration of such a shop coming from seeing the magnificent tearooms of Jarrow, a lovely city in New Ceardia. Our products are based off the lovely ones found in the foreign city to allow the beautiful folk of our city to be allowed a taste of exquisite New Ceardian soups and beverages! Please do join us the next time you have the chance at Tavern Plaza 4 and if you have an idea for a new item that we should add to our menu, please inform us as we are always happy to add to what we have!
Spirit Bless!
With much respect,
Clementine Valencia Bötticher
Owner of La Jarrow Tearoom

P.S. We are currently looking for staff!
OOC Information

We are currently open as there is not going to be an event for the grand opening! I am accepting staff and please check out our official forum page found here! <3