Archived A New Petition Suggestion System

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
I discussed this with a bunch of others, and thought that this would be one of the best ways to talk to the community and get their feedback on things.

A petition should be sent in the Suggestions section so that it can be analyzed by not only staff, but players. Right now, staff (or really just MonMarty and Cay) can say what is done and what isn't. Most of the time, I find that a lot of suggestions that are well liked by the community are not put in because the staff either don't want this in for some reason, or they don't feel like taking the time to add this in.

I personally think that a lot of the things that were mentioned in the Suggestions section were achievable by players and staff efforts, and if we had a system where if a post got a certain amount of positive ratings, like 10 agrees, with at most 2 disagrees for specific, different reasons on why the suggestion should not be accepted, it would be a great help to the entire server. This way, staff don't need to spend time discussing and deciding what needs to be added in, or what needs to be talked about. The players can spend that time talking on the post and debating about the topic; it would create topics where the players decide what happens and what doesn't, making their posts actually meaningful, instead of the admins locking down and not even considering things that are really liked by players.

This can be debated as well, and I seriously would like this to be considered and talked about. This is an idea of reform that is needed in my eyes for these type of things to succeed.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I disagree, and this is why. The community of massive has a great many ideas, but the percentage of those that are good are few. There are some, but many do not fit with the admin's idea of what massivecraft should be. The only thing that should be changed, is that staff should tell people why an idea will not be implemented more, but the community does not run massive. The staff do. If I made a futuristic server, I would not put halo aliens in it because the community said so. The staff still run the server, you should have respect for what they do. Expressing your opinion is good, but whether it is listened to or not is not mandatory. Whether or not the rest of the world disagrees with it, this server should remain as it is, unless the staff decide. Don't forget, the community can't add plugins to the server.
I disagree as well. This isn't a democracy, and most people on here wouldn't have a clue in the world what's good for the server.
If this were a server of mature, adults then yes, this would work. But majority of us are teenagers, and base our opinions off a quick 'oh that would be nice' without thinking it over. If you have a suggestion, there is a suggestion thread for that, and if it's good enough and isn't problematic then it will be implemented.

Imboring, leave the jobs that require great thinking to the admin, and just enjoy the community. Majority of the time MonMarty comments why these suggestions won't work or aren't needed.
  • In order for a suggestion to have a decent amount of traction, it would require 10% of the daily active players to be in favor of it. According to the stats here That would have to be between 110 and 140 likes.
  • Players as a separate organ from the staff are considered a potential corruption threat. There is no extra supervision on the dealings or opinions of those players, and we would have to expect a lot of extra effort to ensure their impartiality and generally inform them of everything we know. This makes their opinions not worth the amount of effort that has to be put into getting them.
There are several things which players don't take into account which I or Cayorion do.
  • The limited tech staff availability. This means only really good suggestions which add a substantial amount of fun to the server can actually get done, so we have to be picky.
  • The fact that 98% of all plugins are not sharding compatible and have to be recoded or restructured to work for our server. This disables us from using nearly all outsources plugins. Cayorion also dislikes depending on plugins not provided by ourselves. A practical example was herochat which we used to use. It broke because the herocraft staff didn't update it properly or in time, resulting in the need to produce our own chat plugin, Massivechat.
  • Many players often make suggestions which are fun to them, not thinking about the results on the receiving end. This is where we haveto consider all angles and theorize about a plugin and it's effects to the server.
If anything the current situatin advocates for the closing of the suggestion board. It has been pointed out before that 9 out of 10 suggestions don't even get support from the player, and less than those 1 out of 10 actually pass 1 of the 3 checks above.

The most valuable input we can get from players, is input generated on ongoing projects which have already been announced or started within MassiveCraft. Perhaps it is an idea to simply close to Suggestion board, but release pre development plans onto a new board, allowing players to freely make threads about the projects and discuss them. That way we can all channel player opinions in the directions where we need them instead of spreading them all over the place.< How about this
If a development board was kept active and players could suggest what to do from that point on, that would be fine by me.

The Suggestions area really doesn't serve anymore purpose, I'll agree with that. A development board would be more interesting.
If a development board was kept active and players could suggest what to do from that point on, that would be fine by me.

The Suggestions area really doesn't serve anymore purpose, I'll agree with that. A development board would be more interesting.

That's contradicting your previous statements. For this week, you have posted at least 3 suggestions in this section... Now you're agreeing it doesn't 'serve anymore purpose'... Oh Jeez.

So basically MonMarty just elaborated on my points. See! I don't always get it wrong xD
If a development board was kept active and players could suggest what to do from that point on, that would be fine by me.

The Suggestions area really doesn't serve anymore purpose, I'll agree with that. A development board would be more interesting.

You agree and disagree with the same statement. Players do not suggest what to do, they suggest how/whether it is done. If the staff wanted suggestions on what they should do, there have been plenty of those on the existing suggestions area. And what we have under a different name is not wanted.
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