Archived A New Minigame

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Necro Slayer
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
New York
I am here to suggest a new idea for minigame. Although the idea is not unique, I do believe it will make for a very good minigame. First off, lets take a look at the most popular minigame, Siege. Why is it such a popular, and fun to play, minigame? Here's what I think makes Siege fun, and what brings it down;

Editable Terrain: Unique to siege only, you can edit the terrain during the game. Some people may think that this causes griefing and making the minigame look bad, however, I disagree with that. Changing the terrain makes every game of Siege Unique and different from the previous, and the environment changes around you, calling for more thinking tactically about how to defend in the current situation, as well and how to place defenses, such as gates, around your base.

Basic Classes: The classes in Siege are very basic in relation to vanilla minecraft. I honestly think this simplicity makes for a much better class system, as rather than adding a bunch of complicated enchantments and potions to try making new classes. It is better to give players the simple choice of how they want to play, with a variety of classes, than limiting a map to a few, very specialized, pvp classes. Some people like to play siege as a builder, a tactician, rather than a pvper. This unique dynamic is what let's siege shine above all other classes.

Variety of Game-Modes: This is another feature unique to siege, that no other minigame has. There are 3 style of game modes at siege; TDM, CTF, and the Bomb. With all three of these going at once, it really pushes for strong defensive tactics, as well as coordinated offensive attacks. I think having all 3 game modes on the same map adds a sense of chaos which is very fun to be in.

Cannons: As great as Siege is, the Cannons really do cause problems. Cannons will kick anyone they hit from not only the minigame, but from the server. Although this is an easy fix, I think it is a small detail that should be considered in the creation of a new map.

Now, what was all that for? Here is the actual suggestion; The creation of another minigame (Or two, depending on how busy the staff is) that has all the same dynamics that we love in Siege, without cannons, on a brand new map.Although the classes could be changed, they need to be kept basic. I will post my specific map idea below, however considering that is separate from the suggestion, feel free to suggestion your own ideas for a new minigame map below!

As usual, all constructive criticism is welcome, and if you disagree, please leave a message why.
Thank you for your time
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So, now my specific idea for a map.
The name of this map would be "Mines"
The idea of it is that it is a map, where the fighting is held in close corridors, mine-shafts. Several small mine-shafts would maze around a larger, center drilling site. In the center would be a bomb hidden among mountains of TNT. The team bases would be small mining camps with 3 exits to the tunnels. The thing that would make this map tactical is the use of a miner class. Miners would be able to, with their pickaxe, dynamically change the layout of the map by opening new tunnels, and blocked others off for defense. Flags would be at the back of the team's base. If this idea of a map gets enough agrees/likes, I will edit in all of the classes for this map.
I also think that the staff should look into some of the weird amounts of damage that are dealt at Siege, I'm pretty sure there's some bugs...
Seige has been seeming to "respawn" players too quickly, it once took me back to my spawn when I still had a good 5 hearts (10 damage) left. Otherwise, it is quite fun, but these addons and so will seem to be quite the fixed minigame, and I mean fixed as in not-broken or glitchy, those games are the best.
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