Archived A New Command Of Letting Your Friend Know Your Keyboard Status

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Human - '18' Ryia
Nov 30, 2013
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Okay, I was brainstorming the other night because I was talking to about 7 people at once and needed to say "brb" to all of them. I thought that /r was too annoying because they kept msging me one after the other, and /msg [username] was taking too long. I thought up an idea of a new command for this.

The new command should be added to the /friend ?. It should be /friend afk, and then when you click it, just like it says "[username] logged on" it says "[username] is now AFK".

I figured that there might be a few complications with this, but I thought that this would be a great and quick way to leave the computer before needing to use your manners at the dinner table instead of taking ten minutes for people to finish talking to you and missing dinner and being rated an impolite person (And trust me, this is ALWAYS what happens to me!).

However, if someone spams the command, there should be an option where /friend ignore will ignore the log on and off notes and /friend afk notes. If one types /friend afk, it will come up with a list of people who are ignoring them, so they can ask if they can unignore them once they're back.

If this could happen, it would be very time efficient and would be used by lots, that I can guarantee.

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Yesh please
Another thing that could work is adding an afk command, so for example you type /afk -reason- and whenever someone direct messages you, the reason is -player is afk: -Reason-. Then when you return it could either be typing /afk again or something like /afkremove. This might be easier to code if they decide to add it
This is a pretty good idea, it would save having to say brb to like 4 people every time you go afk.
Although with it I suggest people disable receiving afk messages because with larger amounts of friends you might end up getting flogged with them
@Azas You have a good point there, that'd be great. And @X0N3333 that is also good suggestion, but as I mentioned, you can /friend ignore, you can can block the log in/off and afk/unafk by that command, but is different to /ignore
Could it also possibly grey out your name tag? So if you're in regalia and want to go afk (or similar) you don't end up being RPed at.
@Pyromaniacal I think it should, but this is not stretching more into the whole AFK situation instead of just /friends, but I think that a brand new AFK system should be added in, I have some really neat ideas.
Ok, and yeah, I agree. You do have some really neat ideas. Just a thought, 'cuz you'd still have to tell people in faction chat, local chat, maybe other places too. So it seems like kinda the same thing to me.
If the name tag got grayed out then it would easily indicate a non-premium as AFK but not quite the same for Premiums and staff. If they go AFK then their name will be grayed and suddenly "ERMAHDAWD That staff person thing got demoted! LAWL". Not the greatest example but you see what I mean, I hope.
Well, mebbe just change their nick to AFK temporarily? Or is this not possible?
This is a pretty good idea, it would save having to say brb to like 4 people every time you go afk.
Although with it I suggest people disable receiving afk messages because with larger amounts of friends you might end up getting flogged with them
My suggestion would mean they only receive it if they message an afk player
No, I meant as in how hard would it be to code, like, 50 people all having the same nick at once?
I agree with azas it would be better that way for example if on of your fac members started to pm you it would say that you were afk and not just limiting it to your friends list, although I do think it is a great idea
No, I meant as in how hard would it be to code, like, 50 people all having the same nick at once?
Well I assume the most efficient way would be to change it so their name appears as "AFK (userName)" so that there are multiple people that have different identifiable names. Using the TagAPI (If it's used by Massive it should be relatively easy but it also depends on whether or not Massive uses their chat for the nick names or there's a separate plugin.

Another thing that could work is adding an afk command, so for example you type /afk -reason- and whenever someone direct messages you, the reason is -player is afk: -Reason-. Then when you return it could either be typing /afk again or something like /afkremove. This might be easier to code if they decide to add it

The only problem I see with this is that literally every time a person gets a PM there's a check to say "Is this guy AFK?" and if it says "Yeah, leave him alone" it cancels it and sends the player a message telling them the receiver is AFK (I think that's what you were implying) but if it says "No, come on in" it acts normally. But the thing is imagine how many PMs go out of every second (not even exaggerating here) and how many checks every second it would take. That's my concern. But it would be easier to code, yes.
Being someone who goes afk a lot this would be extremely helpful.
@Ethanol that's a good point. Although, I was thinking more of an auto reply and the first message still goes through
That would actually simplify things incredibly. That could be done in a few hours and implemented although the command setups may take a little longer. That's not accounting for trial and error.
I suppose it'd be useful, but frankly, if you're AFK, shouldn't you just log off anyways..? It's just as much effort as typing /afk or a command of a sort.

Either way, I'd support it. It'd be useful.
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