Archived A More Permanent Death.

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Oct 20, 2012
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I think it would be beneficial for there to be some sort of pause or wait time before one could respawn. It would be more realistic for RP, and reduce spawn killing, pointless suiciding, and nooby suicide runs. I've seen servers where you are kicked temporarily after dying, and while that wouldnt work for Massive because it's so hard to log in, if there was a way to make a short waiting period before respawning I think it would add a lot to the game. I dont know how hard this would be to implement, or if there is any support, so leave thoughts below.
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Fair idea but it would kill the pvp arenas in massivecraft that rely on repspawns to keep a good fight going
This has already been implemented in iteration servers. The server I played before massive was true "HARDCORE" PVP. If you died in any way, you were banned for 30 days, simple as that. It made everything intense. Pvp had my heart pounding. It was very exciting all the time. The only way I see it possible is integrating it with factions. If you are killed by an enemy faction its a 10 min ban. That would return power to pvp instead of people hiding in their base saying "we never surrender! "
I really like the idea of it being integrated with factions, as it wouldn't affect pvp arenas. However I wish it wouldnt end with a kick from server, just a temporary waiting period before respawning. PvP for nonprems would be terrible because they risk not being able to log back on.
Maybe in war zones this function should be disabled ?
Server cap will raise soon. They know its a huge problem.
Not a bad idea, but so many more people would hide in their houses when u raid them...
To Grixer: I just didnt want it to become another way people could complain about prems being OP "They can pvp without any fear of not being able to get back on its so unfair!" or something stupid like that.
To gridiron: Lol they do that anyway. I try to raid via element of surprise for that reason even now. Hopefully that breaking down wooden doors idea gets implemented sometime soon so it wont be as much of a problem
To Grixer: I just didnt want it to become another way people could complain about prems being OP "They can pvp without any fear of not being able to get back on its so unfair!" or something stupid like that.
To gridiron: Lol they do that anyway. I try to raid via element of surprise for that reason even now. Hopefully that breaking down wooden doors idea gets implemented sometime soon so it wont be as much of a problem
the only other complaint i can think of for this idea would be say you die and then when the tem-ban is done you go to log on and it is 160/150 ... non-premiums would probably stop being soldiers so they can play the server :P
the only other complaint i can think of for this idea would be say you die and then when the tem-ban is done you go to log on and it is 160/150 ... non-premiums would probably stop being soldiers so they can play the server :P
I really like the idea of it being integrated with factions, as it wouldn't affect pvp arenas. However I wish it wouldnt end with a kick from server, just a temporary waiting period before respawning. PvP for nonprems would be terrible because they risk not being able to log back on.
Agreed. Getting kicked is not the answer. A temporary waiting period before respawn is what Im looking for.
im no expert in the field of coding but is that possible to hold someone at the respawn screen?
I believe Ive seen it done before but im not completely sure. I am not a coder either, but another way to do it might be to send all people after they die to some set location where you cant teleport for a couple minutes, if thats easier to implement then coding it all. Or perhaps you can respawn just you cant take damage or move or do anything for a minute or two. Idk just spouting some ideas, I dont know all about server mechanics.
Better idea if you die why not have the Character respawn in a "Limbo" realm like jail that would teleport them to the spawn of the world they died in After X minutes.
I know that place ;) And seriously, let's ask the coders. Cowboys1919 sounds like a really nice suggestion :) maybe maybe....
A "Limbo" like place was what i was thinking when i read this thread earlier. I was also thinking perhaps if you havnt died in the past 15 minutes or so there is no cool down, but the more times you die consecutively the longer your wait times. Die 2 times in row quickly and you wait 1-2 minutes, 3 times and it's 5 minutes, 4 times 10 minutes, and probably cap out around 10.

Btw, [user]Imboring56[/user] why rate ulu's post off topic?
A "Limbo" like place was what i was thinking when i read this thread earlier. I was also thinking perhaps if you havnt died in the past 15 minutes or so there is no cool down, but the more times you die consecutively the longer your wait times. Die 2 times in row quickly and you wait 1-2 minutes, 3 times and it's 5 minutes, 4 times 10 minutes, and probably cap out around 10.

Btw, [user]Imboring56[/user] why rate ulu's post off topic?
I was thinking a tiered timer too didn't know if that would have over complicated it.
I think an overall 5 min wait is all thats needed. People like me, who die pretty much always in pvp, would be waiting for like an hour lol
I think the penalty for death should be less if people are killed in their own faction, it'd be extremely annoying if you were getting attacked and the only people actually fighting back were stuck in limbo for 5 minutes, it'd probably be just as annoying for the attackers.

Maybe shorter re-spawn time when killed in your territory and longer when killed in an enemy's, it would probably encourage defenders to fight back, rather then just hide from the unarmed focused premium that re-spawns outside the faction as fast as the defenders can.
is it possible to have a timer only if you are killed in a "pacifist false" state so that way some noob mining in the middle of nowhere doesnt have to have a cooldown on death.
If the pacifist false were only for premiums that would make them super OP unable to be halted in ambushes once so ever. When everyone else is.
i think it would be best if it was only pvp limited, seems more fitting with RP
I really like this sugjestion. As for the pvp arenas and such yes I see the issue there. If all arenas were moved into seperate worlds, that certain plugin that increases respawn time could be disabled. If this were done, I see no drawback to this idea.
Interesting idea, dont know how long or anything like that, still an interesting idea. :)
I like the idea, for the most part, as well. My only question is how long does a person's gear stay around, and will they still be able to go back and get it after the respawn delay. This may be what sets the time scale for the respawn delay.
Not a bad idea, but so many more people would hide in their houses when u raid them...
Funny you say that because I know people that do that now ....erm ... *cough* 9thlegion.[DOUBLEPOST=1360247403][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think the penalty for death should be less if people are killed in their own faction, it'd be extremely annoying if you were getting attacked and the only people actually fighting back were stuck in limbo for 5 minutes, it'd probably be just as annoying for the attackers.

Maybe shorter re-spawn time when killed in your territory and longer when killed in an enemy's, it would probably encourage defenders to fight back, rather then just hide from the unarmed focused premium that re-spawns outside the faction as fast as the defenders can.

I would go crazy and raid way more.
Yeah this would reduce the amount of people who just run in to a faction kill a low level player then kill them selves after the pacifist true activates.
While we are at suiciding...
The limbo (or limbus as I know it) has a guard...and that guard let's through people who died in heroic deaths faster, than those who suicided....
That would be possible I guess and would keep people from doing /suicide.
I agree. Incidentally, I agree because whenever I raid the OP, nothing happens because they are all premiums and death becomes meaningless
Maybe the extra respawn time wouldn't apply if you died in an arena.
A good amount of arenas should have it enabled, because people will run in repeatedly with no armor hitting you before you can teleport out, one of the reasons i dont go to arenas as often as i used to (since the beds were added to arenas)
A good amount of arenas should have it enabled, because people will run in repeatedly with no armor hitting you before you can teleport out, one of the reasons i dont go to arenas as often as i used to (since the beds were added to arenas)
You are probably right.
But if you had to wait ten minutes before goeing back to the arena would be inconvenient.
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