Archived A More Interactive Regalia

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The great and powerful
Mar 27, 2013
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I find that a lot of Regalia is there just for show and for rping props. There are houses for people to buy but I don't think that there is enough for you to do in Regalia other than sit in a chair and rp

I'm suggesting more interactive buildings that I could go and do stuff at
*Casino - Regals could be bet there in order to win a jackpot but of course you'll always lose money unless you are very lucky
*Performances - Performances put on by mods on a stage in Regalia or the stage could be rented to people to put on a performance
*Lottery kiosk - Buy lottery tickets - 5-10r per ticket perhaps, all the money that is paid into the lottery is then given to one person, it won't distrupt the economy.
*A Zoo - nuff said
*Bring back the prison - people can be sent to an rp prison if they do something against the law (all in good rp)

Any other ideas? I'd like to hear them

Please feel free to get annoyed at me and tell me that every building in Regalia has something to do in
And of course this applies to ideas for RegaliaV2
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Regalia is the primary role playing world for the server. It isn't meant to be necessary "useful."
Ok time to contradict your points!

A casino would be extremely lore in compliant, as I see that you are implying a slots like game.

A stage /could/ be nice, but it would require a HUGE amount of work on the mods part

The coding for a lottery kiosk would be very complex, and it could easily be broken.

What would a Zoo do in the lore?

It would be nearly impossible to capture all the lore creatures, not to mention trying to create models for them. Besides we already have the freak house run by the lovely @DrFong

The prison is still there, and is functioning well!
Casinos- Casinos didn't exactly exist back then, you could have private card games in the tavern or gamble on fights but that's it.
Stages- I think this could be a thing in the park, performances by players and announcements by players could be put on.
Lottery- Could happen, hard to code and would waste staff time on fixing pvp and developing things.
Zoo- Zoos weren't compliant, as mentioned above we have Fong's freak house.
Prison- Prison's still here.
Ok time to contradict your points!

A casino would be extremely lore in compliant, as I see that you are implying a slots like game.

A stage /could/ be nice, but it would require a HUGE amount of work on the mods part

The coding for a lottery kiosk would be very complex, and it could easily be broken.

What would a Zoo do in the lore?

It would be nearly impossible to capture all the lore creatures, not to mention trying to create models for them. Besides we already have the freak house run by the lovely @DrFong

The prison is still there, and is functioning well!
A Zoo would make sense, especially if Dr. Fong would run it. That would be neat.
[It would be more of a showing of animals, rather then a Zoo as we know today.]
i see people saying that the lotery thing is hard to code
i have seen a lot of servers with such plugin, so i don't think it needs to be coded becuse there is already one outh there in the endless space of the interwebs.
*Casino - Regals could be bet there in order to win a jackpot but of course you'll always lose money unless you are very lucky
*Performances - Performances put on by mods on a stage in Regalia or the stage could be rented to people to put on a performance
*Lottery kiosk - Buy lottery tickets - 5-10r per ticket perhaps, all the money that is paid into the lottery is then given to one person, it won't distrupt the economy.
*A Zoo - nuff said
*Bring back the prison - people can be sent to an rp prison if they do something against the law (all in good rp)

  • I am sorry to say but there will be no Casino, first off gambling is forbidden and there is also no way I can think of to build this in a lorecompliant way.
  • Well there are performances, while they usually only take place during festivals they are still there. They would be too much work to bring out one every month or so, but nothing stops you from doing your own play. There are rentable locations that you can play it in.
  • See above, while we indeed have lotterys from time to time I think this one is classified as gambling therefor forbidden.
  • That might be an idea, but since we try to avoid as much lag sources as possible in Regalia we would have to move it to a special world or sth like that. Furthermore I am not sure how fun a zoo would be with the limited ammount of mobs we have right now .
  • The prison was never gone.
  • That might be an idea, but since we try to avoid as much lag sources as possible in Regalia we would have to move it to a special world or sth like that. Furthermore I am not sure how fun a zoo would be with the limited ammount of mobs we have right now .
I am not trying to say a zoo is a good or a bad idea or that the lag isn't an issue that should be considered.

But I could count more than 30 mobs from the minecraft wiki, and it would also be possible to make some kind of "custom" mobs by making the ride each other. So the amount of mobs is maybe not so limited anymore
I am not trying to say a zoo is a good or a bad idea or that the lag isn't an issue that should be considered.

But I could count more than 30 mobs from the minecraft wiki, and it would also be possible to make some kind of "custom" mobs by making the ride each other. So the amount of mobs is maybe not so limited anymore

Well this is more of a personal opinion than anything else. I am sure there are ways to add in some interesting looking ones.
You don't really need buildings to makes Regalia more interactive.. Use your imagination, and make it 'more interactive' through roleplay. One time a few friends, and I blew up part of Regalia (@CtrlAltKaboom @Martchri123 ) that is interactive. I'm not saying you should run around, and blow up Regalia in RP; we only did that because we had to rescue Piper (@Ryciera ), but still.. Just use your imagination. Regalia is a sort of base-ground that you can 'sculpt' with RP and RP-related actions if you're creative.
In the past if i remeber correctly there was a stage, and also if i remeber correctly It was extreamly hard for the staff to constantly work on using that stage for proaformaces, it would take a weeks worth of work to come up with a script for a play and be able to find staff who were online (given the fact that a good majority of players online is when its roughly 2pm PST [pasific standard time])
In the past if i remeber correctly there was a stage, and also if i remeber correctly It was extreamly hard for the staff to constantly work on using that stage for proaformaces, it would take a weeks worth of work to come up with a script for a play and be able to find staff who were online (given the fact that a good majority of players online is when its roughly 2pm PST [pasific standard time])
Plays. Were. Agony. Oh my god it was horrible. The people were fun. But the entire process was always a mess when I did it.
Plays. Were. Agony. Oh my god it was horrible. The people were fun. But the entire process was always a mess when I did it.
That was a long time ago, I remember it.. But where did it come from, and where did it go? Anyway, A lot of players seemed to use it for their own things, which more often than not was just them trolling and disrupting roleplay.. There was a bunch of modern day singers that used that stage, mainly to sing terribly and annoy people until some higher power (Perhaps even the cabbage queen) dealt with it. At least it wasn't all bad, despite it being hard to do.
Now I'm not saying we do this, but a zoo is technically possible at the time period/lore compliant.

Back in the year 802 AD, good king Charlemagne had these things called Menageries. Versailles once even housed a Menagerie. A Menagerie was basically what evolved into what is our modern day zoo, except instead of preserving animals, it was meant to house "Exotic" animals for the upper classes to basically look at and show off. Charlemagne's included animals like lions and elephants, which were exotic for central Europe.

So while a "Zoo" is potentially possible lore-wise, it would only include really rare animals, not things like cows, pigs, horses, or squids.
(And that's my two cents).
I think the lottery idea is great. Adds a bit of 3rd party gambling and chances for those whom need currency. Premiums could maybe have a higher chance per ticket. (1.25% percent higher than non-prem)

A zoo would add a bit of friendly RP which is nice.
As long as they don't randomly kill your RPer it should be enjoyable :P
And when they do it's like
On the topic of the casino, as already mentioned, the only gambling would have been on fights, or in card games. Which, I would personally find fun to have perhaps a card hall, or fight club, or something as such. Also, in the instance of the fight club, it could very easily bring the pvpers into the rp world, by having them duke it out without weapons, which would be entertaining watching sevrish and wannag (or whatever their names might now be) beat each other to death, or near it, anyways. It could even serve as a means of training rp'ers to combat rp through various fist fights.
On the topic of the casino, as already mentioned, the only gambling would have been on fights, or in card games. Which, I would personally find fun to have perhaps a card hall, or fight club, or something as such. Also, in the instance of the fight club, it could very easily bring the pvpers into the rp world, by having them duke it out without weapons, which would be entertaining watching sevrish and wannag (or whatever their names might now be) beat each other to death, or near it, anyways. It could even serve as a means of training rp'ers to combat rp through various fist fights.

Bring the pvpers into rp is never a good idea, as they would have to create several throw away characters, which lets face it would nto be very well written or layed.