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A Missive To House Dei Termini


It's an Aurelion Sol main
Mar 3, 2015
Reaction score
The Stars

The Meadowlark's Rest would like to publicly express its gratitude for the generosity of House dei Termini. Starting out small and humble in our first day the Lord dei Termini came to us and made a substantial donation and spoke with us in the air of wisdom and clarity unrivaled by many.

He said to us here at the Meadowlark, "Serve those who serve you." And that chord struck with me. I wish to express to my fellow common man woman and child that the good Lord Deo dei Termini deserves our support and praise. His piety and devotion to our Empire is incredibly inspiring to myself and my staff.


I urge those of the common populace to have faith in and support in Lord Deo just as he has inspired in us!


OOC Note:

Deo dei Termini has won the support of quite a few of the commoners in the city and those that enter the Meadowlark.

Deo dei Termini is given the title of Sponsor and aims to spread the prosperity of the business through allowing catering to be done at any Termini event.

"Well, there goes our good impressions of that place. A shame that such a fine establishment could be corrupted by such a liar and a vagabond as Deo Dei Termini." Leopold would mutter to himself.
Fritz smiled and chuckled for a second. He mumbled to himself "I am glad the people are finally seeing what I see."