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A Missive From Lady Black's Almshouse And Refuge On The Vampire Crisis


❤ Confy ❤ - Mrs. Massivecraft
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Somewhere Over the Rainbow

The following fliers would be posted around the city and near the Hidden Dragon neutrality point:

As the threats of vampirism plague our dear city, the Almshouse would like to remind all citizens in need that our doors are open during this time of conflict. The Almshouse urges all people of Regalia who are currently displaced from their homes or in need of care after being cured from the vampiric curse, to please remain diligent and come to the Almshouse (currently located on the park-side of the main road).

As always we must remain ever vigilant against the darkness that looms overhead and come together in both action and prayer in our devotion to the Imperial Spirit to allow the light within to shine upon the city. As good Unionists we must take action to help those of us who have succumbed to these powers of evil and guide them back onto the path of the Great Way.

The Almshouse opens its doors to all those who need shelter, food, warm clothing, medical assistance, and teachings of good faith. As a safety precaution for those who assist at the Almshouse, there will be guards and holy water employed. To all guard groups, we will gladly help assist in any way we can.

- Elizabeth Black