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A Mask Of Silver, Made A Crown


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A spindly little weasel of a man took to the square before the Dark Emporium, bringing with him his own soapbox and a scroll. Stepping up onto the pedestal, he cleared his throat with a harrumph before issuing the decree to whomever cared enough to stay and listen.

Harken, people of Regalia. Salutations! The Exalted Heron, Horatio, has found himself in a dilemma. For how can a man who claims himself a champion of our faith be respected, when the Sancella takes the bludgeon to its own moral authority? How can he be respected in his duty to faith when they bend to the whims of schismatics? And how can he be respected when the church that he elevates denies him, for the blessing he has received? Through much deliberation, it has been decided that to remain chained to the faith of union would be folly, and that a metamorphosis must be had much alike to that of the transformation brought on by the Sanguine Gift. Thus, the Horatio shall eschew henceforth the station of Exalted Heron and instead take upon himself the mantle of the Crimson King. His crown shall be a mask of silver and from atop his lofty seat he shall judge the wrongdoers who seek ruin upon his court.

The weight of the crown, however, is most heavy. Duties must be fulfilled, and for this, the Crimson King issues a clarion call to all Sanguine in Regalia proper. Submit. Declaring in accord with ascent to his throne, the Crimson King proclaims his authority to extend above and beyond - to all those who bear the blessing of Vampirism. The Sanguine Gift is a sacred boon, yet there are those who flaunt this blessing; those who use it only to further themselves, those we consider unworthy. We thusly advise all who find themselves elevated by merit of Vampirism to throw themselves before Horatio, the Crimson King, to be judged rightly and if deemed worthy brought into the fold of his court. Those who chose defiance over submission shall receive no succour from our king, no, we name them anathema for those who defy his crown shall know no peace 'til the day they are deprived of the Sanguine Gift.

In order to officiate the ascent of the Crimson King to his throne, we welcome the people of the slums into our house to bear witness to his coronation, and to pay homage and swear fealty unto his name. All those who seek entry into his court, now is the time, and those who would make pleas to the Horatio during this momentous gathering are encouraged to do so, for he will gladly hear out the requests and complaints of all following his investiture. Our doors shall be open late into the night, open to all for an evening soirée. Food, drink and entertainment shall be provided by the house with all welcome so long as a certain adherence to civility is maintained. The date is to be announced.

On a closing note, I am asked to address the longstanding rivals of the Crimson King. To the Telikos Beggars, we tell you this; you know what you have done to wrong us and we are not soon to forget the indignity and countless provocations dealt towards the Devout Few. We came to you with open palms and yet a dagger you plunged into our backs. Should you find yourselves impudent enough to ever deign to rear your ugly heads upon these streets of ours, retribution will be delivered in full. And for the Circle, or whatever successor organizations persist, we say this to you. Your delusions will not see you far for the craven are predisposed to failure. Consider yourselves more fortunate than the Beggars for you are spared the Crimson King's wrath, though we advise you tread with care for but the slightest misstep will secure your undoing.
