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A Lothar's Phantom

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May 10, 2020
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A dozen or so pieces of parchment would be found lodged against several crates washed onto the shores of Crookback's older ruins. Stains of burnt ink festered along the papers, rolling along as it dribbled back to the words in place. All of the statements were written in Common, gouged deep into the writs.

The Ease of Assassination

It has been little over a month since the transpiring of an attempt on my life. Some Lotharian posse attempted to hold and execute me from within my dormancy behind the Crookback's 'walls'. Alas, their attempts were rendered utterly futile with the mis-shot of a spear by my throat. Left for dead, they did not account for two simplistic factors; I am an Urlan and half of my damn body is inorganic. It will take more than a mere blade to render my body to ash beneath the soil.

Regardless of this setback, I went into hiding within the Farah'deen deserts. I have been rebuilt, reborn even, beyond the fractions of these physical injuries. Total isolation without any matter of these 'knightly' matters to corrupt a single soul resting. To which, with the corruption of these puritanical assaults and the blatant terrorism portrayed by these Lotharian mutts, I implore something of a fair duel for once. Not some cheapened attempt upon an unconscious bag, but truly a show of what 'honour' you truly believe in.

A new dawn of terror, unabashed by political leaning nor religion, shall arise sooner or later to be prepared for. Not some 'magicks' nonsense that these barbaric puritanicals believe in, but a force of utter madness sweeping our damned nation. A nation that used to be mine before I was barred for my own crusade to blindly purge away at the inquisitive spirits whom broke our world with 'magicks'. To that notion, I was manipulated, as many others are by the Lotharian Order and such aligning constructs.

Yet, the Lotharian Order arises from an even greater issue tearing away at the nation. That issue being a hunger for violence amongst psychotic war-hounds bred since birth to carry out ideological conflicts. Whether it be the Allorn, the Void, the former Bralona, or these deranged knighthoods, the scourge of lingering violence still leans upon the world. That violence cannot be solved, as it is simply the engrained nature of animals without consideration beyond their primordial instincts.

The true warriors of this world need to recognize that this nature is inherent, and thus accomplish two tasks at hand. The first task is to abstain from this violence within isolation, forming a world bent on civility. The other is simply to extinguish all matters of these barbarians through revenge. My revenge, in particular, is a creed against those that barred me' to this desert.

To those that shalt refer to my words as the writing of a madman, I implore you to witness the fires that have grown across Regalia in the past month. The Lotharian Order is formed of cowards that strike without any semblance of 'honour', that it even disgusts the hypocritical roaches eating at their crumbs. I was barred from them under false pretenses never alluded, due to the effects of which greater aggression would bring to wipe out the Occult. Alas, their need to sustain a public 'face', which has already fallen, got the better of them and they tried to rid myself from the picture.

I always return.

Which means, simply enough, I am a roach that cannot be squashed. I will persist to return and continue my revenge, no matter the ultimate cost of this livelihood. Even if it be through phantoms of my own will, I will be the shadowing silhouette necessary to collapse these Orders of magnitude. I survived and I am alive.

To those a part of House Vaedra, Kepler, and whatever guano-suckling mites still remain in the city, there will be no compromise until revenge is finally dealt back into place. Cowards.

Good tidings,
Sera Roinval Arestinescua
Riftan reads the letter, and quivers in fear. Before going on about his day, wondering of the distant phantom and his threats.
Hello! I would like to provide a reminder that this character was officially executed following the procedures set out in the Roleplay Conduct rules, and as such it is considered against said rules to continue playing this character / ignoring the execution that was signed off by Lore Staff. Please direct any further questions to the Ticket Bot.

Hello! I would like to provide a reminder that this character was officially executed following the procedures set out in the Roleplay Conduct rules, and as such it is considered against said rules to continue playing this character / ignoring the execution that was signed off by Lore Staff. Please direct any further questions to the Ticket Bot.


1. I can't access the bot. 2. The character was not officially executed, stop making stuff up man.
1. I can't access the bot. 2. The character was not officially executed, stop making stuff up man.
This character, Roinval Arestinescua, had kill perms surrendered to staff around 7/20/2023 on the following grounds:
A) Being disgraced from the Lothar Order, which usually results in the defecting knight's death.

B) Being given a myriad of opportunities to keep the character playable in Crookback. This was on basis that they should avoid the Lothar Order, which actively has reason to kill them.

Being given multiple warnings that your character, should they continue attacking, interacting with, or being captured by the Lothar Order, would have their kill perms surrendered to Staff.

Regardless of other conduct, we have given plenty of opportunity for you to work with the conditions set in order to keep your character alive. We have provided plenty of warnings that kill perms were around the corner. By continuing to provoke and be captured by the Lothar, your character was pushing the limits of what we could do without breaking lore, as realistically the Lothar would have executed them on first capture.

This character is, by all means, considered dead. They cannot be revived, they cannot turn into a spirit, and they cannot become resurrected undead.

Continuing to attempt to play this character is a breach of the Kill-Perms and Lore Continuity rules. Additionally, attempting to play this character is an attempt to subvert Staff rulings.

Continuing to subvert Staff rulings by attempting to play or indicate that this character is alive can and will result in escalated punishment.

This thread will now be locked, as further discussion on this ruling should not be held here. If you would like to appeal this verdict, please open up a thread in the Appeal Your Punishment section of the forums, located here: https://forums.massivecraft.com/forms/appeal-your-punishment.59/respond
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