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A Letter Due To An Uneventful Day At Sea


Snowdonian Pirate
Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score

The waves lapped the hull of his ship, as Christopher Black sat idly on its deck, looking out at the afternoon sun. A good portion of the crew played cards at makeshift tables; while others performed some semblance of work. Christopher gave the crew belonging to that second grouping a mental thumbs up.

Another voyage out at sea, off of the coasts of Farah'deen. He missed Regalia. His sweeping gaze caught sight of a rum bottle belonging to one of the crew playing cards. His idle mind turned a gear, and he reached for a writing implement and his notebook.

"To the Baron Slumberwood,

How much for Rumvalia? Name your price.

Christopher Black."

The letter was given to an officer to deliver via the next ship returning to Regalia. Christopher could hear Dianne shouting to him all the way from the Capital. He grinned.
@G0atfather @darkarely
Damon squinted as he read the letter then he looked up, blinked and read again, before squinting again. He set the letter on his desk and sighed. "This is probably a joke." he determined and sent two letters, the first to Christopher.

Lord Christopher Black,
While I assume your letter to be in jest, for the sake of not being accused of trying to sell my home province, Rumvalia is not for sale.

Baron Slumberwood

The second letter was to Dianne Black:

Countess-Electress Black

Could I meet with you? I received an interesting letter from your husband.

Baron Slumberwood

@Film_Noir @darkarely
Dianne sat in her office looking over her letters. She then stopped at the letter from the Slumberwood estate. She read it over and shook her head laughing to herself. " Spirit help me. It's never a dull day with him."

She said as she wrote a reply:

Baron Slumberwood,

Please do stop by the Black Estate whenever you wish to have this meeting."

Countess-Electress of Narlas
Dianne Black

@Film_Noir @G0atfather
Harald von Drachenburg would catch wind of all of this through the grape vine and simply chuckled to himself at the antics of his old seaward friend.
Damian Petris wondered the streets, in search of work as he'd stop to wonder what his old cousin has been up to. However, he shrugged and continued on.