Archived A Latin Inspired Race.

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Oct 12, 2012
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La Ganga, Registry of Merchants.
Note to reader and reviewers:

I am aware of the very slim, small chance that this will be even be opened for reading, let alone considered. I also must be aware that, this may receive a lot of flame, and so, I ask you to hold back the "disagree" ratings and such, until you comment, in which I plead for you to include a reason why. This helps me see the pros and cons of the idea, other than just "SUPPORTED!" or "TERRIBLE IDEA". Thank you.

Hello MassiveCraft community!

As you may know me from earlier in the forums, I am Silent_Ruler. Thinker of generally failed ideas, and for that matter, a frustrated reader. And I know, you may be already thinking wide insults as like "Woah, his grammar, just no." or "Does he not realize we already have a Spanish culture, the ones from Daendroc?" and I respect it. However, as I am aware of the spanish-speaking cultures in the Alorian lore, and such being the the Daendrocque, I am also aware of a strange pattern ive noticed:

For every different kind of human, there is a race inspired by them. (Not a sub-race)

Take, for example, the humans themselves: They are pale, and resemble the Northern Continentals, or Germans.

Elves: Inspired by the Romans, them holding the fallen "Elven (Roman) Empire."

Chi'i: Asian inspired race.

Qadir: African, Indian inspired race.

And so on.

However, while the latins are indeed Hispanic, and therefore Daendrocquin, we do not hold the same physical traits as the humans from Aloria do, being generally aging slowly and having golden-pale skin (Yes, that is the common reference to Latin or Hispanic skin color). We also tend to, despite the many diseases we are prone to, have a more developed immune system, though we are more likely, and inevitably be affected by diseases like diabetes in our later lives. We also tend to live a lot more, than the rest of the "races" along with generally having jet-black hair or dark, almost black brown hair. Same goes with our eyes, though rarely it is that blue, green, or amber eyes come along (Usually being brown), possibility includes that such cases are because of inter-breeding with other, non-hispanic strands of human in the real world. In Aloria, other races, much like the Qadir having deviates.

But wait, that sounds like the elves, doesnt it? No.

Our skin is also, like I said above, generally darker, not like the Qadir, but "Pale-Gold"

There are many other traits, such as personality, us usually having the ability to make something seem "Fun" (Not DrFong's idea of fun though) and enjoy just about anything, and are highly botanic, and being highly religious (most of the time)

Now for their lore

Probably speaking spanish, this race should maybe be descended from elves, maybe some Lothar-like elves due to their herbalist ways. Maybe they broke off or decided to not take part on the elven empire at all, and moved away to Hadar, evolving or devolving. This would explain the aging slowly, speaking spanish, the darker skin from the islands, and immune system. They would have gone to more "Heated parts of botanic islands", living a rural life. There would be sub-races to such:

  1. Golden (middle average) skinned, living in higher lands and building mountain communities near wooded areas, taking advantage of the soil, and being highly agricultural. They would also live out of livestock, such as horses, sheep, and cattle.
  2. Darker skinned, living deeper into the shores, or into larger wooded areas, living out of hunting small animals, dogs, fruit etc. They would be more like natives, living in the wilds, being nomads traveling from island to island etc.
  3. Lighter skinned, resembling human skin and moral, they could have lived near the shore, preferring fishing to obtain food. Instead of making small communities, they make large "Cities" and commonly use the common tongue to communicate.
This would not be a sub-species of Elf, for they would be a lot more humanoid and too different to belong to any more race sub-species. Therefore, I think they should be their own race.

Suggestions? Opinions? Good Idea, bad Idea? A name suggestion for the race along with traits (elves are good with the bow etc)? Something that should be changed? Just post below!

PS: This may be overlooked, but I think this should be a race. I might not like if its rejected as a mere "Dream" but rather than saying "Bad Idea, because…" I think Id like to dwell in the development of the idea even if turned on, thanks.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Just a comment, I like to see the Tigrans as Spanish, due to Daendroquen being Spanish and spoken by the Slaves of the Elven Empire... Thus the Humans and Tigrans...
Well, this isn't too bad. A racial feature could be 2x herbalism from MCMMO?
I like the overall idea of this suggestion, but as Fellbeast58blue said, they are not taking any more suggestions. But I'd imagine that since the cultures of these races are borrowed from ones that we still have today, I'd imagine that instead of being Latin, they'd be Latin-American, since Latin culture has long died down and been peeled into numerous different cultures.
Basically, it can be interpreted into that all existing races are Latin-inspired, since most European culture stemmed from Latin history and romance laguages (not lovey dovey romance, I mean Rome, Latin language. Romance) and most of the races are Eurasia-inspired. Ideally, humans would make the most Latin-esque of the races, and thus they would then branch down into other dialects like Daendroque (spanish) dialects.
As regarding to the race suggestions, sadly they are not accepting any more before the existing suggestions are put into actual gameplay, including Chi'i, Quadir, Arachne, Avarr, Urs, Wulong, Thylan and Torpid.
I generally like the idea of another humanoid race, but since we already have elves, dwarves, and humans, it would be repentant to add another bipedal, generally human-colored and sentient race.
Latin (Spanish/SouthAmerican/Italian/Portuguese) are already represented as Daendrocquin Humans.
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