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A Lady Looking For A Love.


Head pat weeb
Jun 21, 2017
Reaction score
York, UK
"It comes to no surprise that amidst the men looking for love, there are one or two women who seek the same.

This is where my sister stands. Proudly so. Whilst her stubborn personality wishes to deny such a truth, it is plain as day to those of her kin and close friends.

My sister is a woman of beautiful qualities, blessed with the kindness of our mother and the strength of our father; she would no doubt bear strong, healthy sons! She is a warrior and a sailor, as well as a merchant. Talented in many areas of intellect and brawn, surely she lacks in appearence? False. The woman is stunning, like a summer morning sun rising high into the sky.

She has never married, never taken a man and she is of nobility.

Should any keen men be interested, they are to pen a letter to Czylle Ravenstad, who will distribute the letter accordingly."
"Seems people are copying you. Sadly looks like a mockery." Leanardo commented to Albus. @Svyatogorye
"Why are people selling their own relatives. Seems a lot like glorified common whoring?" The Isldar commented as she glanced to the letter. Thankfully, she said as such purely in Isldarin once at home.
Siselle paused at that notice and turned once more to her twin, "If you ever do that to me, I'll kill you."
"For fucks sake.." Solaine muttered, her hand massaging her temples as she read the note. "I swear I'll kill that woman one day.."