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A "humbled" Announcement

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In the wake of the Black Tower being emptied of prisoners, a humbled Grand Commissioner made an announcement. He did so without the outright approval or consul of the Assembly.

1. The Grand Commisioner announces the proposal of two laws, and encourages to the citizeny to assume their passage, "Until the Assembly gets around to it".
Law One: Dragon Inslavement
Any individual found to be under the effects of a hostile Dragon Song is not to be arrested. This includes those who serve in a Guild or Organization. Those who fail to do their part to maintain relative peace and security as part of a guild, Law Enforcement or otherwise, or cause undue harm to the Empire will be beaten, stripped of all possesions, and left to live without any serious injury. Those in Law Enforcement may be banished if they prove unreasonable. This law is currently Active.
Law Two: Dragon Vigilantiasm
Any individual who partakes in hunting the Generals of a hostile Dragon will not recieve major punishments at the end of the current Dragon Crisis IF AND ONLY IF they prove partially succesful in their attempts, remain loyal to the Crown, and do not commit undue harm or breakage of laws to aid the Empire. This law is currently Active.
2. The "Arken Generals" are a group of powerful magic users who serve the Dragon-Witch Rikkira. They are dangerous in a way even seasoned warriors could not comprehend. While the Grand Commisoner and State encourages the citizenry to remain calm, form militia groups to take them down, and fight to the last... we do not wish for so many citizens to die. Do not approach these indiviuals with the intent to fight if you do not consider yourselves properly prepared. Frequent meetings between resistance groups, innovative ways to kill them, and careful planning are crucial. Details concerning them will follow in the coming days. In the meantime, organize and resist.

3. All'oa of the Circle, along with the leaders of the Slums Criminal Guilds sends this message to the Empire; in these times of strife they stand firmly with the Crown. For those who have turned to the Dragon Song, they too wish security in these times, for their benefit as much as the citizenries. As a result, they make a public oath to not commit undue harm to the Capital, and in fact encourage resistance groups and commoners alike to stay calm and collected through this Crisis. They also make the declaration that any group who decides to turn anti-Empire in the Slums will be met with their own justice, outside the Law. "If Criminals can stand by the Empire, from evil mages to merciless cutthroats, surely the good people of Regalia can stand with the Crown, and with relative peace if nothing else." says the Grand Commisioner. "As for the Generals of this Dragon, who unlike the Dragon Song commit crimes with full awareness... they have many foes, and chief among them are the dangerous criminals of the Slums, along with the Loyal men and women of the Citizenry."

4. The creation of the Arcane Task Force was to be the creation of a new branch of the "Azure Order". As of writing this organization purely exists state side to consult his Imperial Holiness, and until the Dragon Crisis reaches a manageable level of security, their expansion will be delayed. The Grand Commisioner advises all interested individuals to turn their efforts toward the Arken threatening this city, to impress the State for future membership and service.

5. Finally, As an update, the investigations into House d'Ortonaisse has been dropped, while the investigation into House Harhold remains open. Vivienne was among the prisoners released from the Black Tower, but she is accused of various crimes going beyond the Dragon-Song she is believed to be under. Hengest Harhold is called to the Black Tower to discuss these alleged crimes. @Jonificus

May the Imperial Spirit keep you Wise and Walking.
- Luchs Kade

Grand Commissioner of the Regalian Empire
Lord Commander of the Violet Order
Inaugural Winner of the Imperial Duelist League
Crown-Winner of the Elven War of 302
Agronak the Strong of the Orc Clan Ironmonger
And Law-Brother to his Imperial Holiness.

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