A Hidden Book Or The Crimson Knight

Deep in the small Rosendahl library, well hidden from view, was a musty book. It was ancient by appearance and had a fading black hue to it with a round, purple stone in the center. A large crimson red diamond shape was around it that spanned from the top of the book to the bottom. Inside contained the story of a legend known only to the Rosendahl textbooks.


Chapter 1

He Has Returned

The wooden blade flew past the side of Joshua's head, nicking his ear. A small spurt of blood jutted its way through the minor cut. His attention flickered to the other guard who had attempted to strike at him. He brought his sword up to parry another blow. The warrior slashed at Joshua's waist. He barely managed to flick the attack away. Joshua did a full spin with his blade extended. At the last second, he twisted back, convulsing his waist in the opposite direction, performing a successful, unexpected knock on the head with his sword. The opposing foe rubbed his head and muttered curses as he walked off the training arena.

Joshua looked around at the other guards fighting amongst themselves with the training weapons provided for that day's session. He stood there, panting. His athletic, wiry frame and unusual height gave him an advantage over most of the other guards when it came to speed and agility. Even with this, he was almost always bested by the bigger, burly guards who had the strength to topple him over with a petty swat to the cheek. He shook his head.

I may be able to take out some of the others with my tricks, but I will never truly have a chance at winning a session. They would just grab me by the throat, knock me on the hip with their spear, and throw me away like a chipped Regal.

Joshua desperately pushed this thought away. He looked around and saw one of the other guards rushing at him with a spear. Then another from a different direction. Then another did the same—and another. Soon, he had four guards rushing at him from different directions. He grimaced. His sword held firm in his hand as he raised it to his chest. He took a defensive position—ready for a hard fight and a swift end.

Joshua tried to jump up as the spears closed around him in an X formation. At the last second, one of the attackers picked up speed and raised his spear slightly. The blunt end of the spear caught Joshua on the ankle, knocking his feet out. He landed with a hard and very audible WUMPH. There was a small woosh of air as the wind was knocked out of Joshua. The four large men immediately pounced on him. Their helmets clacked together in unison as they dived for him. Joshua's vision went black.

Joshua's world appeared before him. He watched the other guards struggle to get to the bottom of the ground. He wasn't there.

He had disappeared.

The world was a blur. Spots of light danced around the shadows of the fragmented reality. Shimmering blue hexagons clouded the corners of his vision.


The unexpected voice made him jump. Joshua spun around. There was an older man standing there in official royal purple robes. He sported a long beard that was the color of snow. His wise green eyes watched Joshua intently.

"Where am I?", Joshua tried to hide the quiver in his voice. He was scared, confused, and curious, and they both knew it.

"I brought you here. To the Void. Or at least a thin extension of it.", the elderly Mage responded in a calming voice. Joshua wanted to bolt away as fast as he could. This man was a Shadow Mage. Even though he was old and looked nice, he was still very dangerous and even lethal if angered. Shadow Mages held mysterious power over others and the Void, an expanse of darkness that Shadow Mages used as a means of teleportation and travel. Joshua felt the panic rising inside him.

"Why? What do you want from me?", Joshua asked.

"You have been chosen, boy.", the Mage responded. His brow furrowed as if confused that Joshua didn't know what he was talking about.

"For what?" The Mage gave a short laugh and waved his hand, motioning Joshua over. He began to walk away. Joshua was hesitant to follow but did so anyway out of curiosity. After what seemed like (and quite possibly could have been) an hour of walking, the old man disappeared. It was then that Joshua noticed the blurred version of the world was gone and he was now standing in impending darkness. He stood there not knowing what to do with himself.

A council of other men, all dressed in different colored robes surrounded him in an instant. The Shadow Mage was among them.

These must be Mages of all Magic that can be used. Even the Nature Mages have different shades of green for the different forms of Nature Magic. The Elves are here… Someone from every Magic is here.

The Shadow Mage emerged from the circle. He raised his hand, and all the others followed.

"Joshua Timothy Brookeman. You have been chosen by the ancient Council of Mages to become and return as the Crimson Knight. You are sworn to protect the Crimson Bulwark Guard at all costs, to protect the Patriarch with your life, and to use your Magic capabilities to serve and protect Regalia and all citizens wherein. This duty weighs heavy upon your shoulders. You are liable for any harm or damage done to The Bulwark, the Patriarch, and Regalia. We bestow on you the title of Crimson Knight."

"You are the Crimson Knight!", the other Mages chanted in unison. The Shadow Mage backed away and made a signal with his hand. An Orc with pure white robes stepped forward. He approached Joshua with a chainmail coat. He placed it over Joshua's head and onto his shoulders, covering his arms as well. In very bad Common, he spoke.

"I present chainmail coat. Made from strongest ore in Hyarroc." He bowed and

Joshua did the same out of politeness. The Orc returned to his place in the circle. Another Mage stepped forward. A middle-aged Ailor wearing bright orange robes left the circle and brought Joshua a steel crimson colored chestplate. He slid it onto Joshua's shoulders over the chainmail.

"This breastplate was forged and made from the fires of a Fire Mage. Should you encounter a fire attack or suffer from any heat of any kind, this armor will protect you.", the Fire Mage said. The two bowed to each other and the Ailor merged back to the circle.

The next Mage to approach was an Elf wearing dirt-brown robes. An Altalar, Joshua noticed. The Altalar raised a dark red t-vision helmet and lowered it onto Joshua's head.

"This helmet was forged from the stiffest ore found in Aloria. Any blade that attempts to pierce it will shatter on contact. Save for it be a blade crafted by the Lightning Mages.", the Elf explained. He gave a stiff nod and returned to the circle.

Joshua was beginning to be overwhelmed. He still had no idea what was being assigned to him. He was surrounded by Mages and was being given armor that would make him the most dangerous man in Aloria. Yet again, another Mage approached.

This is getting monotonous, Joshua thought to himself.

This Mage bore a pair of leggings and boots. He was another Ailor who wore deep blue robes.

"The final pieces of your armor are these leggings and boots. They will give you incredible speed, despite the weight of your armor. It will also give you the ability to tread through all water with ease. Use them wisely. And don't run into anything.", The Mage was completely serious with his unintended humor. Joshua forced himself to uncomfortably slip on the boots and leggings. He looked around that Council through his helmet. No sooner had he rested his eyes on the bright yellow-robed Elf, did she approach him, bearing a long spear.

She smiled sweetly and held out the spear, handing it to Joshua. He looked at it and up it. The point cast a gleam.

It's strange. The Void is only darkness. Here, everything casts its own light. I can see everything even though I shouldn't, he thought.

"This spear has been granted the powers of the wind. As long as you know what you want it to hit, the wind will hold true and you will always strike your mark. It is as swift when used by hand and will always return to you when thrown. Use it wisely. Be careful of your thoughts when using it.", she said in a light voice, almost squeaky voice. Joshua nodded and switched the spear to his left hand. He felt as if one last item was going to be presented to him.

The last Mage wore stunning blue robes. It was another elderly man. He presented a gleaming blue iron shortsword up to Joshua with two hands, his head bowed. Joshua picked up the sword and held it aloft in front of him. The Mage spoke in a raspy voice.

"This blade is made of the same material as your breastplate. When it was completed, it was struck by a lightning bolt formed from an enraged Lightning Mage. If you can obtain the power and knowledge, you may be able to produce bolts of lightning from the tip of this sword's blade. This blade is the most powerful and will never shatter."

The Mage bowed and went to his spot in the circle. The Shadow Mage that brought him to the Void came to Joshua again. His arms were crossed in a strangely mysterious way. His eyes bore into Joshua. Joshua could sense that he was reading him, almost searching him. Almost as if he was looking for something. Suddenly, the old man burst into a short-lived laugh. He smiled cheerily and raised a fist in the air. The other Mages did the same and let out a roaring cheer with each other.

"Hail the Crimson Knight!", they all shouted. The Shadow Mage extended his hand to Joshua. Joshua gave the old wizard his hand. A dark cloud of nothing formed around their hands. The Mage swung Joshua into the air. As he hurtled backward, he saw the Mage merge into the darkness as the darkness turned to light and the light turned into the Mess Hall.

Joshua stood perfectly still. He swiveled his head, bringing his vision all around the Mess Hall. Every guard had their eyes laid on him (except for Master Bigge. He lost one eye during the Chrysant War). With his spear in one hand and his sword in his other, Joshua turned to the head of the room where the Officers and the Patriarch sat. The Patriarch slowly stood up and walked toward Joshua. Joshua removed his helmet. Several audible gasps resonated around the room. Hushed muttering spread. One of the Officers dropped his chicken leg. The Patriarch cast his eyes around the room with a wide-eyed expression. Everyone in the room stood up and stared.

At this point, the Patriarch was trembling. He fell to his knees and bowed his head.

"The Crimson Knight has returned."

If you made it all the way here, you must have enjoyed the story! Thank you for reading my new story. Please let it be known that this story is a legend and has no intent to be completely lore accurate. The real historical events of this story were likely more sophisticated and a lot more accurate to whatever you should think. I will be continuing this story, adding new chapters regularly. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments or PM me. Thanks!

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