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A Heavy Declaration


monty appreciator
Apr 12, 2015
Reaction score
The Revenants of Pride

Citizens of Old Town, it has come to our attention that various groups who claim to own parts of our beloved side of the bridge have become complacent and weak, their presence gone and neighborhoods quiet. We have decided to change that.

As of this moment, the Revenants hereby reinforce our holdings of the Emporium and Bilge Court. Not only this, our claims now reach to Hang Rd and the Hidden Dragon.

Let these final words strike deep; We will not give up our territory, fight at your own peril.
4, 27th 307 A.C.
To the Revenants of Pride,

It is bold a make a claim you can not back up. To consider that we have hunted in our territories and others almost every single day. Consider it funny I have not even seen any of your dear members stop us or even on the surface doing anything.
So to claim that we have not had our presence there is extremely bold and a blatant lie that shows that your presence is lacking itself.

As for the claims, don't make it if you can't back it up. Our claim on Hangman Road remains. If you want it.
Come fight us for it.
Lady Wyrmwood,
Praxis to the Hierarchy Coven.
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A rather large piece of paper was slapped atop the Hierarchy's lacklustre reply, penned in large Common for those that might not be able to read properly.

Hangroad was taken from the Hierarchy by the very people that live in the neighbourhood. Chased away like sad little dogs with your tails between your legs. The Revenant's claim remains, as the residents of Hangroad made it abundantly clear that you were not fit to control their homes.
Another note was placed over that,
That was the Church. Which though now fixed, was heavily burnt and looted by us. Not to mention that we later replied our claim was staying until they fought us for the actual road and not just the church. And considering we've lead hunting parties there every day and they have done nothing about it. I'd say they are either too afraid to do so. The Revenants can fight us for our claim if they want it. Otherwise, it's disregarded.
Nadina Haaven paused only a few steps beyond Aesling's house to read the new parchment that had appeared on the Hang Road notice board. After a lot of squinting and hushed grumbling, the Yanar exhaled.

"Oh Vaeri, what have you gotten yourself into this time?"
A hooded and cloaked Damian Black wondered the Slums, finding and reading the post with disgust. They'd grab their personal booklet to write everything down and return home share this information to his family. "Disgusting creatures, thinking that they own people's homes. You are clearly blind, demons." They'd wonder home at that.
Drakthulium, a tall, lany, masked individual read the declaration. Giving a huff.
The lighthearted whistling of a certain Shenath came to a sudden stop as she'd pause in front of the Hangroad notice board. She'd cast a harsh squint towards the multiple parchments that were stacked upon each other, grumbling and mumbling to herself,

"Why is there so much littering in my good Void corrupted Old Town."
The poppy flowered Yanar tilted her head as she squinted at the streams of papers "Wouldn't it just be easier if they spoke face to face? Rather than these pointless posters?" Shaking her head momentarily, before skipping off. She had a Yanil fruitling to check and a Haaven to poke.

A small letter with cat-scratch writing would appearing beneath both the Hierarchy's and the arguer against them. It stated simply, or perhaps a bit too simply that could lead to the belief that Common was not the author's first language:

"Hangroad's owners buzy busy with real work instead of defenin a idioot street. Have fun, Spirit hace have mercy."

@CRASHIR @Athelois