A Heartless Heartbeat

"Ser Alexander! You are needed!"

The sounds of armor hitting the Cathedral floor would be heard, a time before the newest evils had arrived within the city. The Bloodcast Knight stepped forward, removing his helmet to show his sea eyes and auburn hair. He'd bow his head in respect to the Reverend Mother in front of him.

"Something wrong, Reverend Mother?"

Mother Henriche had turned his life around from a horrible and angry child into a true man of the Spirit once more. He couldn't completely understand how she managed to do such a task with a man like himself, but he knew that he could completely believe in the Reverend Mother to guide him upon a better path than one of anger.

"There has been rumored that Void worshipping has been seen within the forests of Regalia. You must go there and destroy them by whatever means necessary. It is a dangerous task, so I understand if you are worried, but this must be done for the good of the faith."

It has been known that the Bloodcast was one for the Spirit, even having the Sanktist Script upon his armor. He'd nod as he'd place his helmet upon his head. His heart had begun to beat with the idea of putting his life on the line once more, as he has done many times before. It has been far too long since he has had a fight, but it was still nothing new. He bowed his head, as he had his new orders.

"I will be sure to return successfully, or not at all."

The Bloodcast was sent off into the woods, his heart beating as he'd take days to reach anywhere close to the Cultist's last known location. The Bloodcast decided to take another day of rest as he'd sit in front of a fire, allowing himself to rethink about his life. He had begun to notice something was wrong around him. He brandished his sword and shield, looking around as a large group of hooded figures stood about. They decided to speak with a raspy voice.

"Y-You come here alone, Knight.. Surrender and be sacrificed to the Void.. or die a horrible death.."

The Knight knew that these were the Cultists he was sent to destroy. He'd charge forward, slashing left and right as the blood of the Cultists fell from their body. Arrows bounced off the Knight's plate armor, in which the Knight was stabbed in the back with a dagger. He'd yell in rage and anger as he'd go to continue to attack the Cultists until they were all down, or so he thought. The final Cultist stabbed the Knight in the throat with a short-sword, deep enough to reach into his windpipe. And as he slowly passed on, he'd rethink upon his life, counting the seconds with his memories in mind. He thought about how his parents celebrated his birthday, how the he graduated as a Bloodcast, how he fought against Nelfin and Kathar alike in war. And now, how he slowly lies bleeding. He gave his final breath. The Cultist went to speak to the body.

"You should have given up when you had the chance, Knight."

As the Cultist turned away, the armor glowed on the inside as the Knight's body had begun to burn away in a bright light and dust, in which the Knight had begun to get up. His reflexes were heightened as he'd stab forward into the Cultist's chest. They fell in shock as the Knight looked around, trying to understand what happened as he'd feel in the back where he was stabbed. As he'd begin to walk back home, unsure of how to understand what happened, he'd hear the voices of his friends and family call for him. Saying a couple words.

"Wake up!"

The Knight looked up to a young man by the name of Alaric Keen, allowing the thought of a heartbeat to be felt within his body. He'd look around as rain would drop outside of the Stronghold Keep. The Knight had stared forward to Alaric, letting him speak.

"Thought we lost you there. Come on soldier, let's get back to work."

The Bloodcast nodded as he'd step forward, stopping as his thoughts returned. His chest had a feeling of peace for once, but he was unsure if this was right, as his chest had the feeling of a heart beat. 'How could this be? How could I be having a heart? I am only a suit of armor.' Whatever he thought, he only saw it as a heartless heartbeat, meaning little more than a speck of hope that can easily flow away in the wind.

[I hope you all enjoyed it!]
@KK134 @HeyitsNano
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