A Heartfelt Reunion

The new of the blockade's movement spread quickly to parts of the Regalian Archipelago, as merchants from all trades began to inform their superiors of the renewing of shipments to the Crown Isle.

One such person who received this news was the Burgrave of Buechner, Eldrich Drache. As the closest relative to his father, the Viridian Knight noble had been managing the family business as best he could during the last few months, where had been unsuccessful in sending a letter to the Crown Isle. Upon hearing the news, the young heir personally sailed to the city with the next shipment, hoping to reunite with his father.

Meanwhile, Dietrich Drache had been walking around the ruined city, visiting the few business locations that he oversaw. The first place he went was Die Hoehle Des Drachen, which was altogether dried up and covered with dust for the lack of use. The duke make a note to himself on the state of the tavern, and proceeded to walk to the shipping offices in the Commerce District.

As he walked in the door, he was greeted by Walthur Drake, who seemed to have kept the store afloat for the months he was gone. The men walked to the storage room, and together they assessed what wares were still left from the two months of no shipments. Walthur was the first to comment that the barrels of beer and rum were completely empty. (In fact, they had been empty for about a week, which would explain why Walthur was so keen on throwing that Deathling sentry from the harbor lighthouse.) Once again writing a few notes in his diary, Dietrich would have Walthur close up shop until the next shipment arrived, and the two began to walk towards the now bustling harbor.

It was near the docks that Walthur decided to leave the duke, as his navigation duties had now opened up again as others arrived on the ships to share stories of the outside waters. Alone with his thoughts, the duke paced around the docks, overlooking each of the ships that had been longing to empty their cargo. Near the end of the docks, the Alt-Regalian noticed a familiar sight: his own flag flying from the mast of one of the trade ships. Nodding, the man was glad to see that his Crown Isle businesses wouldn't be closed for two long, and strode over to the trade vessel.

It was here that the two men came back into contact. At first both of them couldn't imagine that the other was standing right in front of them. But after a few brief moments, the truth finally sank in. After almost three months of no communications, a father and son were finally reunited.

Eldrich, still oblivious to many of the events that had transpired, simply approached his father like he would any other time, and began to speak. "Six barrels of beer has been delivered, your Grace, and I have anoth-." That was all he was able to mention before his father wrapped his arms around his son. It was then that Eldrich realized, his father had been through hell and back, and that the burgrave's very presence was the only thing the aging nobleman had been longing for all this time.

There were no words spoken between the two for a while, until finally Dietrich looked his son in the eyes, with a lone tear in his eyes, and said four words:

"I missed you, son."