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A Gentleman's Request For Lord Aldane Guentyr


The Strong Will Bend The Weak
Nov 30, 2017
Reaction score
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From the desk of
Lord Charles Litvinova
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"It has become more apparent, that as the days pass, Lord Guentyr disrespects the peerage and the upstanding citizens of Regalia, time and time again. I believe that this man has had every opportunity to fix his pompous and snake like demeanor. In my time knowing the Lord, he has gone from an outstanding man to one that harasses the good peerage and women who wish to stay out of the sight of the loquacious man.

The last straw the lord took, was when he used his position as a Violet to dig up information on a Vulpi member that they have investigated. This Vulpi member was involved in the Indirect death of a regalian criminal. Their punishment, within the Vulpi Company, was a thorough talk and more restraints on rules in the company.

With this information Lord Guentyr decided to yell at and harass Miss Alexa Haaven, another Vulpi Member, about the Vulpi member's punishment. At the end of their "Angry Talk" (As stated by Miss Haaven) the lord gave Miss Haaven a note to give to myself. This note contained what looked as to be somewhat of a confusing grasp for more power. As well as demanding a meeting to discuss his "Plans".

With the Lord contantly making moves in the dark, and making a fool of himself, I wish to settle things between us. I hereby challenge Lord Aldane Guentyr to a duel to submission infront of the Peerage and City of Regalia.

If the Lord Guentyr does not accept this duel then he is truely a coward who fights with his tongue, and spits nothing but lies and hateful words. But- If he wishes accept, he must make it publically noted- and we shall discuss a time."

Let the fate of our blades show who is right,

Lord Charles Litvinova
Commander of the Vulpi Company
Commissioned Marshalry General
Chancellor's Contengence Guard
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OOC Pings:​
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A notes is left

May Allest bless this peaceful method to settle the matter. May Hero Korthas lend thier strength to the worthy and make them the Champion. Elia and Theomar strengthen us all and sanctify this defense of ones company and employees.

May he watch over us all,
Atum Morathes
Celate of the Divine College of Calemburg
Earl of Portas Pirtais​
As a reaction to this request, a message is left as well.

"I have seen and heard more than my share of what Lord Guentyr, from what Lord Charles has stated here, and how it as made me feel lesser of a wife for it. I have held my tongue and dignity to not speak to Lord Guentyr, even though some of the "rumors" he mentioned during his time in the Vulpi's included myself. He did not make an attempt to even speak to me about them, or in general as peers, but perhaps that was for the best.

Be well and safe, I do not wish for death in this event, only respect for each other as nobles and people of equal standing."

Be safe and well in the end, and hope it will end in
a positive experience,"
With Care,
Lady Katarina Litvinova
{!} Another note would be left alongside the the rest.

"I don't want to say I told you so, but I told you so.
This so called Lord Aldane is a fool and always has been ever since he disrespected Revna right in front of you long ago. Had you seen the signs Commander and well we wouldn't have had to deal with him. Be it this fool accepts your duel, ensure you break him, physically and mentally. "

Bomani Chaths "Battle Beast"
Premiere of the Vulpi Conpany