A Full Return


Some Citizen
Apr 9, 2018
Reaction score
Salutations, I hope you are having an incredible day!

I recently returned to MassiveCraft just as of late and after trying it out I have decided to return completely. Since I have decided to make a full return, I thought I would reintroduce myself and let people come to know a bit about me out-of-character rather than just the characters I portray.

First off, I just wanted to share that what prompted me to come hop on the server out of the blue for the first time since 2018 is my memory of how amazing the community was and how magical the experience felt. I enjoy roleplay, and I absolutely love the platform the server has created and the universe it all takes place in. Coming back, I easily fell in love with it all over again.

Back when RegaliaV5 was coming out, I was in Brazil visiting family during the entire transition from V4 and was still there weeks after. I suppose when I came back I just had carried on with other things having been gone for a while and with so much changing, but I am glad I have rediscovered this even several years later.


A bit about myself. I am IceResistance but you can just call me Ice. I'm from California, the "Golden State." The game I primarily play is Minecraft. Outside of school and games which takes up a lot of time, my hobby is dance. I love to dance just in my free time. I started out doing "hip-hop" but in the present I've taken a particular liking to ballet and really enjoy that. Outside of school, Minecraft, and dance, it doesn't leave a whole lot of time for other things. I was working for a good while, but I've been unemployed and a full-time student in the meantime. I aspire to go into dentistry. Oh, and I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan <3

I'm not that interesting. . but I am sure all of you are! I cannot wait to get to know all of you more and play with y'all.
Welcome back mate, I also returned recently. Hit me up and we can catch up!