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A Friendly Auction!


liar and milf lover
Staff member
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
twinleaf town, sinnoh region
Webp.net-resizeimage (1).webp

The Gilded Troupe extends to certain parties an invitation to partake in the holy ritual that is an auction. We promise you an unforgettable experience, with a single ware that'll ensure involvement, and high bids! Exciting, exciting. Information will be revealed to interested parties who we think have the necessary funds to appropriate our goods.

Who are we? A good question! We operate as entertainers, fences, collectors, and general aesthetes. We prefer to operate in absolute secrecy, and we respect your privacy! Nothing is more sacred than trade, and the exchange of coin and wares. We take pride in our ability to obtain most anything for most anyone, after all! Satisfaction guaranteed.

If you're interested, pin a letter under this one. Each party will only be able to send a single representative to the auction. If we feel threatened, if your representative is carrying a weapon, if there is any indication of risk, we and our goods will disappear, and you'll be blacklisted from thereon!

What do we have for sale this time? Why, an artifact of course! Any interested parties may submit a request to participate here. Guard-aligned? No worries! We don't discriminate. Just show up in a disguise.
To the Guilded Troupe,

The Spriggan's Heart Guild and Mercenary Charter, would like to send a representative to the auction that you've stated.

- Desk of the Spriggan's Heart Guild
To Whom It May Concern,

The Silver Lining Fleet would like to participate in such an auction. We will send a representative once given time and location.

Signed, A Captain From the Fleet
Addressed to the Gilded Troupe,

The Groundskeeper Yvraine will send a bannerman.
Do kindly relay location and timing; attendance will be prompt and professional.

May you find success in your ventures,
The Nelfellen.​
A small letter, lined with faint golden-tips and blue decal would be placed underneath the post.
To the Gilded Troupe of whom it concerns,
The Haven's Retreat will send one representative of their people. Location and time will be expected to be heard of soon if you please.

I eagerly await your response,
To Whom it May Concern,

The Castaways will be sending a Misfit of our own to throw our hat into the ring. And by hat, I mean money. And by ring I mean we want to take part in this auction. I am abysmal at metaphors.

Best Wishes,
The original parchment, as well as the notices pinned underneath, had all been removed. In their place, a piece of paper with the Troupe's insignia.

( The details have been decided and will be forwarded post-haste. )
To The Gilded Troupe,

I am of no group but my own and I would very much so enjoy showing to your auction and collecting a few pieces of your exotic collection. Should the night go right, we can both enjoy our new found treasure.

Last Remnant of the Hierarchy