Archived A Fix To God Apples

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
There has been a lot of talk lately about putting god apples back into the game, a simple fix to this would be to enable god apples, but add a 5 minute cool down to eating a god apple, so people can not just jump in spamming god apples not dying, the same goes with pearls as removing them has been a topic of discussion lately. A plugin like this already exists, but is not for bukkit so wouldn't work on here.
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Good suggestion. A cooldown would be a good solution.
I agree. 5 minutes maybe seem a little extreme but during combat it makes it more fair.
Meant to put a fix to god apples and enderpearls in the title ****
This should REALLY be put in, I don't want to face apple spammers, it just breaks the combat into who has the most right clicks in a minute.
Trying to make a plugin for this with my very basic knowledge of coding. :P
But bling will have to wait 5 mins before he can eat food.
I think the resist should be lowered and the regen should be no more than regen 2, otherwise dont add them.
Thor, I kind of realize this, the point is so that when you damage the consumer, they cant just undo what you did in a matter of seconds by doing absolutely nothing.
God apples are hard to obtain now that fishing is gone, trust me people will not be wanting to pop these every time they get a chance, and even with 500 axes you can wreck someone's armor if they are on a god apple, and after their helmet breaks it's possible to kill them even if they do eat another one. God apples are very fun to fight on massive with and also make the economy 100x better with all the armor breaking and such. Unbreaking books were at i think 52s at their peak, they are currently at 5s each because armor cannot break and there is no demand for it.
If Cayorion wanted the feature, he could / would code it himself very quickly. A concept as simple as this requires to third party stuffs.
Sounds good. But 5 minutes is too extreme. Maybe two or three minutes would be better.
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