Archived A Fitting Introduction

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Keeper of the Forest
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Preface: I love this server and I loathe making what may be taken as a negative pot-shot at it... but... In the interest of feedback I offer the following.

Problem Area
: New arrivals welcome 'lobby' is (in my humble opinion) too bland, practical, utilitarian, "meh" and possibly boring/losing potential members before they even get to see the true jewel that is Regalia etc.

Possible Solution: Lasting and truly moving experiences put the player inside of a rich story. We have such amazing talented world builders - this situation is crying out for something like a forested pathway or something that locks them into one direction down a wide wooded path... but also gives them a glimpse of how amazing a MassiveCraft world can look. Nothing too distracting along the path (eg not cottages) as we don't want them too distracted - we want them motivated onwards or we risk them getting bored or lost... so maybe sceneray that can be seen above a tree/hedge line but not accessible.

I'm thinking the path could end in a rocky outcrop above a circular crevasse/ sinkhole that goes down and down and down. Think Alice in Wonderland but not hidden under a tree and much bigger/ more open at top and surrounded by bushes, trees, a mountain, a tower? Also signs telling them some sort of story that basically means they have to choose to jump, take a "leap of faith".

This hole is deep, I mean so deep that you see little caves with small forests, temples, whatever in them as you fall ever further further down. After what seems like 30 seconds you fall into a portal and regain consciousness in some other engaging area that allows you to choose between PVP, RP, Questing, perhaps the choice relates to the earlier story telling along the path or at the top of the hole.

During their 'fall' if they decide to move (left, right, fwd, back) too much... sure... they land too hard and die... but they just respawn at one of the lower outcrops until they're smart enough to make sure they fall straight (signs at the respawn outcrop saying "try to fall straight next time" could help)

Obviously my idea has flaws and there are certain elements of the current system (eg the Factions Guide Book that is auto in inventory) that should stay. But the drab old halls? meh! A beautiful server such as ours deserves sooo much better.

You could even go all out crazy spectacular and make this entry pathway run along/in the bottom surface of an Oniell tube (see below). Then you'd REALLY get a sense of some amazing builds but not be distracted into visiting them because they're above and impossible to reach. It builds such intrigue of what is to come.


Rationale: One of my first fond memories of this server when I joined 5? years ago is the mysterious spiral staircase that was once the first point of contact. What we have now, in my humble opinion, is a backward step. Previously it was a wonderous intro and enveloped you in a story and built such intrigue... but I personally thought we could actually do so much better. . Now we have a series of very plain 'halls' with 'rules' and 'features' on signs. These rooms are quite uneventful and don't even hint at the spectacle that lies just a few steps ahead. A new arrival would have no idea that something as amazing as Regalia city is at the other end of this mundane lackluster room of boring signs. If it was my first experience with the server I'd probably turn around again. Remember these guys may have only seen a quick 1200 pixel banner and not really know what to expect.

You can see for yourself by typing /tp lobby
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Problem Area: New arrivals welcome 'lobby' is (in my humble opinion) too bland, practical, utilitarian, "meh" and possibly boring/losing potential members before they even get to see the true jewel that is Regalia etc.
I would like to add that the "rooms of signs" could easily with MassiveQuest and MassiveGates be an incredible tutorial. And these "rooms of signs" are bad for new players.
tbh advertise more factions than rp. fac is dead and needs new members instead of server cramming the player with rp things and later on the player won't even know what fac is xd
A lot of conclusions and anekdotal assumptions in this thread are unfortunately contradicted with numerical research performed by both me and Spectec. Making the spawn non-utilitarian and flashy ended up losing us more players than a clean approach. Additionally, any massive Quests at the beginning of the server caused us to proportionally lose even more players.
tbh advertise more factions than rp. fac is dead and needs new members instead of server cramming the player with rp things and later on the player won't even know what fac is xd
I'm not sure that would help.. I think it's more of a matter of "does the player like factions?" kind of thing.
A lot of conclusions and anekdotal assumptions in this thread are unfortunately contradicted with numerical research performed by both me and Spectec. Making the spawn non-utilitarian and flashy ended up losing us more players than a clean approach. Additionally, any massive Quests at the beginning of the server caused us to proportionally lose even more players.
Well yes Advisor Henry was terrible and buggy but is there anything good that came from past attempts with quest that can replace the sign room?
Maybe a hybrid approach? Something like a more advanced tutorial area using Quests that talk about basic lore and RP etiquette, Do's and Dont's etc that players can opt into at any time from the RP spawn.
Well if we do do the typical Brandon Mull find a gateway into another world type of intro, let's do one you don't die from falling on. That would definitely lose younger players. But what about a hybrid approach like conflict just suggested? Tweak the tweaked suggestion and we should have something suitable.
Well if we do do the typical Brandon Mull find a gateway into another world type of intro, let's do one you don't die from falling on. That would definitely lose younger players. But what about a hybrid approach like conflict just suggested? Tweak the tweaked suggestion and we should have something suitable.

Thanks for the support and the discussion guys but if Marty and Spec have already run the numbers I'd have to side with them. As much as I miss that old spiral staircase. While the builder in me wants to spruce up that drab hub, it's a complete waste of time & effort if there's no return on the investment (in player retention). I'll have to shelve the Oniell tube idea for a later funky entrance to one of our faction realms.