A Final Damnation

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Tankplaysmc, Dec 20, 2021.

  1. Tankplaysmc


    Oct 6, 2018
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    A letter was published by Samuel Castley, the old Lord-Priest of Oxenfurd

    To whom it may concern,

    I, Samuel Castley, denounce the prior actions of my house and especially the actions of the three put on trial. Theopold Castley, whether it be from stress or mere misfortune, truly went crazy in recent times. The actions of himself and those he affected with such plagued thoughts are not those that nobility should strive for, as it crushed everyone beneath them. Including me.

    I was forced by my family, with threats of disownment or other vile actions, to wear a Jester outfit and say things to help their defense of insanity. I do not believe in the words I stated, for I was told to say such by our Plea Maker and the three accused. I realize that to lie to the Emperor or his Princes, no matter if forced, is the greatest of sins, and thus I seek redemption by seeking a life of repentance and exile. Thus, this will be my final letter to those in Regalia and its Empire unless fate says otherwise. If I am ever allowed to return, I will return with what humility and dignity I have found in my journey.

    Goodbye Regalia, may your future be far brighter than mine.
    Priest Samuel
    • Powerful Powerful x 5
  2. Mad_Gadfly

    Mad_Gadfly ◢◤

    Apr 5, 2020
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    To whom it may concern.

    My name is Leuthar van Vichten. I was formerly the Vassal-Baron of Cloisterburgh for House Castley and acted as their Plea Maker. In my plea, I argued that House Castley had gone insane due to the stress caused by the need to rebuild Regalia after the Vampire Occupation. Throughout the trial, references to House Castley's delusions of grandeur were made. These delusions were said to be the cause of their recent inappropriate behaviors. My intention was not, and still is not, to shame my former liege-lords. I hoped that the Court would see House Castley's volatile mental state and would choose to aid in their recovery.

    Priest Samuel now accuses me of encouraging him to lie in Court. This is false. As may be verified by the Violet Order, I never had any contact with my liege-lords in the time leading up to their trial. Contrary to what Priest Samuel claims, this means I could not have conspired with them to manufacture a false insanity defense. I beg the question: if you did not believe what you were saying in the trial, how come you agree with my premise that House Castley had gone insane in the first part of your letter? It seems to me like your exile broke your family's delusions of grandeur. It seems to me like now that you are lucid, you are embarrassed by your previous condition of insanity. It seems to me that you are saving face by claiming you never believed what you said because if you did, that would mean you were insane.

    This is the only explanation for your behavior and reveals how desperate you are for another chance. Perhaps you will someday receive that other chance. However, if you are serious about seeking redemption, you should start by humbling yourself and accepting responsibility for your previous condition of insanity.

    I have faith that you will be able to build back better, and I encourage you to petition for clemency once you have found what you are looking for in your journey.

    Please be careful,

    Leuthar van Vichten
    • Powerful Powerful x 2

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