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A Few Things On The Crookback Government


will carry the team in roblox
May 6, 2019
Reaction score
Several notices are made; perhaps the contents were dramatic to some, yet, it's scrawled in a certain Secretary's handwriting. It's identifiable, and it seems that the Silven had used some form of presumable magic to record what they had to say. They were all over Crookback's boards & some of the City's as well.

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Is this-- Alright, it's writing. Good. Um--.. Mm.

To the people of Crookback Borough & those that are interested in its politics,

My name is Llewyn Omaberos. I'm not sayin' my full name, heh, I'm sure most of you have heard of me, seen me or talked to me at least once. I'm a Secretary of the current Crookback Council & former Councilor of Voice on the previous Crookback Council that was led by former Representative Harlow Ketch. I know, I know - I can be hotheaded, easily agitated, combative, violent - but that's not why I'm writing this. I'm making this notice, because, uh… I have a lot to say regarding the state of the Government of Crookback.

I've thought a lot, all night & all of today, in fact, on what Anni-- Sorry, uh. Anathema had to say about the current iteration of the Council - Maybe -- Actually no they were also speaking about the previous Councils too, but - I find myself agreeing with them on the topic of this current iteration of the Council, and what they had to say to the citizens of the Borough. That ultimately led me to make this letter. So, uh--.. If you do by chance, read this: Thanks, Annie, for finally & indirectly pushing me to say something.

Mayor Faust seems to think he can carry everything on his shoulders without his Secretaries & honestly, he is not out for this Borough's benefit, in fact I strongly believe this was a blind grab for power - even more so after reading my notes during our first Audience. He has even said, during a suggestion from one CC-Delle during this official Audience, that the final decision on who gets elected to what position is on his shoulders. The 'opinions' of the Secretaries do not matter in the long run. We are meaningless in our positions.

Anyway - A good leader in my perspective is one with a strong backbone and not regarded as a joke in an official Audience, who gets things done, as well as a good communicator - And, ugh, I can't believe I'm saying this - Who also doesn't bring their sibling as a mutated, unsanitary rodent in their pocket, who currently had both a bounty in the district & a powerful Death relic on their shoulders. Recipe for chaos, especially since Emile proceeded to jump out of the Mayor's pocket to get to an Isldar - to presumably speak to them - And Emile even spoke to Harlow Ketch, who noticed a seeming health hazard and proceeded to say something - Which, Emile told him to 'can it' and tried bolting for it when people identified their voice. I would like to also take this time to say, what was Emile doing in the Mayor's pocket? I briefly heard whispers of reassurance that he 'was doing great' and instructions to 'just keep talking' over people who were interrupting.

The only ones, heh, the only hired ones in the current joke of a gods-damned Council that is out for the people's benefits, is Secretary Aldon Adeliason & Militia Leader Bennet Clayton. The other Secretary, Stoloc, is Mayor Faust's lover so I have my thoughts on that matter, but I'll keep 'em to myself. Secretary Aldon is carrying the entire education system - funding & all - in the Borough, he is determined for Crookback to have a future & for children in the district to learn how to read & write. Militia Leader Bennet Clayton keeps violence off of the streets in the Borough & is, admittedly, a good person to speak to if you have qualms or concerns. Always found at the checkpoint, too. I, honestly, look forward to conversing with him even if our talks are brief.

I also would like to take this.. Sort of moment, to recognize Doctor Quentin Lockwood, who has been a determined volunteer at the Crookback Clinic, even before the previous Crookback Council was dissolved. He was recently hired on the spot to take control of the hospital, and is always looking for volunteers. Volunteer at the Clinic, please -- Oh, right! No Undead. No Undead volunteers. That's unsanitary and frankly fucking disgusting.

Anyway, um. I also counted the list of applicants that applied for the Borough's mockery of official positions that the Mayor made up: Nine of the people who applied for positions frequent Crookback and/or reside there that I know of. Only nine applicants, out of, Gods, what -- Hold on, I gotta look at my notes--... TWENTY-EIGHT? Okay-- Currently, there are twenty-eight applicants in total. I didn't count people who applied twice for different positions. That says a lot right there, that more than half of you I barely, if ever, see around the district. There are a few names I didn't recognize, so if you frequent Crookback (or you've financially supported the Borough, the Mayor does not tell us anything), and you're not on this list; sorry. Feel free to add your name, I guess.

The list of people who frequent Crookback (that I know of) & applied for positions on the Council:

  • 1. Rhonzae Daevaar
  • 2. Ailred
  • 3. Morrigan Greymoore
  • 4. Cecil
  • 5. Fiorenza Cantore
  • 6. Salem
  • 7. CC-Delle
  • 8. Kuralang
  • 9. Emile Velkov (I guess they count, even if they had a bounty on them & have not been present lately.)
Anyway, we (the Mayor & Secretaries) also had a meeting regarding passing new laws a bit ago. I'm noting this because Mayor Faust wanted to make a situation that happened between him & Harlow Ketch even more public by writing a notice of 'what actually happened', which all three of us that were present at this meeting - Aldon, myself & Stoloc - advised against this. Mayor Faust also had baseless assumptions & thoughts that Harlow Ketch was going to 'take over Crookback' and-- HAH. He even compared Harlow Ketch taking over the district to the Vampiric Occupation.

.. I think that's, uh. All I wanted to say. Obviously, I'm resigning from my volunteer position as Secretary. I'm not going to continue to serve a Mayor that is out for nothing but his interest for only himself & his family. I'll be present at the Audiences though, noting everything down for the public - If there are any after my departure.

Oh! This is for Mayor Faust, all I have to say to you specifically is: Take a hard, good look at yourself, and grow a spine. Not for yourself, not for your siblings, but for the people of this Borough if you're going to take up the mantle to lead us. Thanks.


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Going to tag the OOC players of characters mentioned in order:
@fantuinn (Harlow Ketch) @Birdsfoot_Violet (Anathema) @Hutydan (Faust Florin) @slurmancer (CC-Delle) @Shikorea (Emile) @Lizehrd (Aldon Adeliason) @DedJok (Bennet Clayton) @retsag118 (Stoloc) @Grimmsome (Quentin Lockwood)

List of people who frequent Crookback
@CelestialBoba (Rhonzae Daevaar) @War_pig (Ailred) @five_gum (Morrigan Greymoore) @sonofthestars (Cecil) @canaaa (Fiorenza Cantore) @Cipherition (Salem) @slurmancer (CC-Delle) @BluKnight10 (Kuralang) @Shikorea (Emile)

Quick summaries of each paragraph.
First paragraph: Obligatory introductory paragraph. Llewyn introduces themselves.

Second paragraph: Anathema's words & Llewyn speaking that they motivated them to finally say something.

Third paragraph: Third paragraph: Accusations towards Mayor Faust. Not out for the Borough's benefit, Llewyn believing this was a blind grab for power. According to Llewyn, Mayor Faust said that the final decision on who gets elected in the Council is on his shoulders. Llewyn goes on to say that the 'opinions of the Secretaries don't matter'.

Fourth paragraph: Allegations. Does everything by himself, yadda yadda. Regarded as a joke, no backbone, also supposedly brought a mutated rat to the Audience who turned out to be Emile.

Fifth paragraph: Llewyn says that Aldon & Bennet are the only ones out for the people of Crookback's benefits. They go on to publicize things they've done, etc.

Sixth paragraph: Homie Quentin. Llewyn says to volunteer at the Crookback Clinic, etc etc. No Undead.

Seventh paragraph: Llewyn states that only nine applicants out of twenty-eight that applied frequent Crookback or reside there. Says that they recognized most of the names, but some they didn't know. Includes a list.

Eighth paragraph: Llewyn states the Council had a meeting. Accuses Faust of wanting to publicize an incident, and who allegedly compared Harlow taking over Crookback to the Vampire Occupation.

Ninth paragraph: Resignation. Llewyn will try to be present at every Audience, if there are any after their departure.

Tenth paragraph: A small notice to Faust.
Claudiu glanced at the missive, his brow furrowing, before letting out a loud,
"HA! 'Grow a spine' is this guy for real? What kind of impudent asshat tells the fucking mayor to 'Grow a spine.' Pickle Mayor aught to have his head too, eh Jakov?"
A leaf in the autumn breeze, the notice drifts across her desk effortlessly. Miss-matched hands lifted it, and a bewildered gaze turned out the window.

"Best step out of it now before it stains your boots, old friend. Good on you."
"Good on them. I'd quit too. I haven't seen that Mayor do anything of use yet." Kuashan crushed up her copy of the notice and threw it into the back of Velkhorr's head, watching it bounce off.

Jakov Boskovic was about to fall asleep standing up before Claudiu called his name. He stepped forward, squinted at the missive, and then took a moment to summarize his thoughts.

"...Too many words. Free spot, though." The old dvalan lumbered off somewhere else soon after, probably a bar.

A stern Death Isldar looks over the notice, narrowing their eyes. They take a deep breath, straightening the paper out and leaving it where they had found it.
A particularly angry Fin'ullen stood in front of the board. Upon reading his name the Nelfin's expression grew cold and a note below would be posted.

"I only took the position as secretary to help Crookback, which I stated was something I wanted to do anyway to Harlow before Faust was even elected. Out of all of the meetings I have been blatantly upfront with Faust about my dislikes. If you wish to share your 'thoughts' on that, be genuine and ask me to my face.