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A Festering Wound On Unionism: Therese Braunschweiger


Weathergirl Extraordinaire
Apr 15, 2018
Reaction score
United States
Yet another decree would be posted around the city, like the dozens of others in recent times. Upon the parchment, were various prayer scripts which could be pulled from the paper for personal use.


Dearest Reader,

I apologize for another piece of paper on the noticeboards. I apologize if you all already knew what I am going to say. I am no Celate, this is not an official writ of sin, nor can I compel you to believe what I write, but I hope you take my words in good faith.

The Truth Minister creates blasphemers and consorts with the demonic, a mad scientist spawning vile creations and twisting the minds of those under her guidance against Unionism, in bad faith. Here is a list of her sins:

  • Therese Braunschweiger, upon confrontation of whether or not the Emperor, his Imperial Holiness, Alexander Kade, was the true vessel of the Everwatcher referred to him as lost. She has abandoned the search, and cares not if he is to be returned to Regalia.
  • Therese Braunschweiger has created an abomination against Unionism: Her flagship patient, Sabina Holzfaller. Over the course of tonight, Sabina has done the following, despite Therese having worked upon the brood for months.
    • Sabina had drawn my blood within Lady Salvation Church, cutting my palm against my wishes with a shard of glass. This is blasphemy and heresy of the highest order, and yet this patient was reformed under Therese Braunschweiger's care. Either Therese cannot perform her duties as Truth Minister, or she is purposefully creating heretics.
    • Sabina had admitted to me that the only thing she holds faith in, is fear of the Everwatcher, and that is the only thing in this world that compels her to not perform acts against it's divine will. Not only is it utterly insane to imply that any sane Unionist would fear the Everwatcher's will, it is also vile to believe that these words would come out of anyone but an enemy of the empire. Once again, either the Truth Minister's programs are an utter failure and sham, or she is deliberately creating heretics and blasphemers.
    • While perhaps not a sin or necessarily against the law, Sabina had referred to Evintarians as a "cult of mutants and demon fuckers" on Holy Ground. Disregarding the usage of vile language within hallowed halls, it also speaks volumes to the teachings of the Truth Minister: That Evintarians are horrible monsters. Perhaps dividing Unionists isn't quite that 'pure' of you, Herr Doctor of Good Faith. Perhaps its considered bad diplomacy.
  • Finally, to place a cherry on the top of the cake, the Truth Minister has hired the possessed Sihai, Heishan, to do her dirty work. Consorting with demons is never a good look, and perhaps the Truth Minister herself has been compromised by the energies of the beyond, tempted by forces which she cannot resist. Ever since the death of her husband, she has been utterly unstable, vulnerable to the emotional ploys of the demonic.
This ends my longwinded paper. The Truth Minister does not enforce the reality the Everwatcher wants, either by incompetence or deliberate, and malicious intent. For legal purposes, this document does not serve as interference with any Ministry of Truth operation, is not a document created by an official state official (which DO need to be checked by the Ministry of Truth), and only serves as a criticism of Eminent Therese Braunschweiger's shoddy work, poor moral character, and failing to uphold the goals for the Truth Ministry, laid out in the Imperial Decree: The Doctrine of Peculiar Right. Nor is it a crime defined in the decree, or law, that criticism of a minister is illegal. I have broken no laws, I hold no warrants, I have committed no crimes in writing this.

May the Emperor be returned in good health, and the Everwatcher forever bless our glorious Empire.

Signed, Avox Petrou
Baroq of Athos
Stout Evintarian
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"Sabina also was a Vampire recently and turned me into a romantic picnic meal. Add that I guess.

– Finn McNamara"
A letter is posted at the bottom of one of these.

"Sabina also was a Vampire recently and turned me into a romantic picnic meal. Add that I guess.

– Finn McNamara"
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