Archived A /f Merge Command

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Am I the only one here?
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
United States
So I was talking with Mecharic the other day, and the conversation eventually swerved into talking about merging one faction into another. The thing that most factions experience, to my knowledge, is having 5 or so inactive members, which you can't get them to merge with you if you so wished to merge. I thought that having a /f merge command would be pretty neat as it may be able to automatically transfer all of the merging faction's members into the mother faction. Anyway, I want to hear everyone's opinion on this and whether it can be easily coded or not. :D
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The commands should be as follows:

Faction A is merging into Faction B
Faction A: /f merge i Faction B
Faction B: /f accept Merge Faction B

then the two factions merge, with Faction A becoming Faction B - all claims transfer to Faction B, the bank of Faction A is added to Faction B, and all members are transferred to Faction B. Faction A disbands.

Since this could become a very overpowered ability, there should be a cost to the faction that is gaining members/land/funds of 25r per player in the faction that's going to disband at the end of the sequence. That will prevent already massive factions from merging to become even more massive while still allowing moderately sized factions merge into each other without overwhelming cost.
Questions/Points about this:

  • What happen to the claimed land of the faction that merged into the other faction?
    • If its transfered to the new faction that brings up the problem of infinite overclaim (via repeatedly making new factions and merging them with the main faction.)
  • What about different taxes. Extreme case: Faction 1 has a tax of 3 for members and Merges into Faction 2 which has a tax of 50 for members (eg how would a exploit like this be prevented?)
  • It should be codeable, as it simply equals using (Note: Pseudo code) "/sudo <facleader> f invite <all faction members>"
    and after that "/sudo <all faction members> f leave" and "/sudo <all faction members> f accept <factionname>"
Questions/Points about this:

  • What happen to the claimed land of the faction that merged into the other faction?
    • If its transfered to the new faction that brings up the problem of infinite overclaim (via repeatedly making new factions and merging them with the main faction.)
  • What about different taxes. Extreme case: Faction 1 has a tax of 3 for members and Merges into Faction 2 which has a tax of 50 for members (eg how would a exploit like this be prevented?)
  • It should be codeable, as it simply equals using (Note: Pseudo code) "/sudo <facleader> f invite <all faction members>"
    and after that "/sudo <all faction members> f leave" and "/sudo <all faction members> f accept <factionname>"

  • I'm going to leave your first question here, and I will think about it for a bit before I answer.
  • I personally think that the tax in the main faction should stay the same, and leave it to those leaders/officers to manage it. Also, isn't there a tax limit of 10 per member?
  • u so clever
Edit: I'm not so sure I understand the first question, do you think you could clarify it a bit more?
With regards to @nray93's first question, I believe that there could be a mechanism where both factions need to be over a certain age. Perhaps 1 month old, so that even if they do try infinite overclaim it's expensive (100r for faction, and then taxes) and time consuming. I'm sure people would still try but people would notice if they did so and then they could be banned or have the faction disbanded for breaking the rules (which would disallow such activities).
  • I'm going to leave your first question here, and I will think about it for a bit before I answer.
  • I personally think that the tax in the main faction should stay the same, and leave it to those leaders/officers to manage it. Also, isn't there a tax limit of 10 per member?
  • u so clever
Edit: I'm not so sure I understand the first question, do you think you could clarify it a bit more?
The first question was wheter you plan to have to land of "FactionA" which merges into "FactionB" also go to "FactionB".
The possible abuse would be that a faction could have ones of its members repeatedly leave, create a new faction, claim some more land and then merge with the faction again.

Note: Since im not an officer/leader in any faction I didnt know about the 10 limit for taxes. This means its of little concern (a tax of 10 can be considered high but it shouldn´t bankrupt anyone quickly.

With regards to @nray93's first question, I believe that there could be a mechanism where both factions need to be over a certain age. Perhaps 1 month old, so that even if they do try infinite overclaim it's expensive (100r for faction, and then taxes) and time consuming. I'm sure people would still try but people would notice if they did so and then they could be banned or have the faction disbanded for breaking the rules (which would disallow such activities).

That would indeed prevent, or at least minimise the abuse. If the feature would be implemented like this I don´t see any reason against it.
What if a staff is needed to merge? That way there isn't any people saying that it was against the rules.

Also I would like to point out this scenario:

Faction A (The one that will end up disappearing) is allied to Faction C. Faction B is enemies with Faction C. Faction C ha claimnear on for allies, and Faction A has land within 10 chunks. Faction A merged into Faction B. Now Faction C has enemies too close.

I know that's a really specific and crazy scenario I just thought about it when reading this idea. I really do like this idea though +1
I've just read the comments. There is stated several issues concerning this idea. A lot of things can be inconsistent between the too factions effectively making it difficult to even think of how it should work.

It is already stated how this could be abused to get hypothetically infinite claiming power.
It was also mentioned how it could be used to claim near enemies.
It can also be used to claim several places on the same map.
Would you really want to be forced into another faction, with other relations, perms and flags?

Even theorizing about how this should work is difficult if even possible. So currently this is only a vague idea rather than an actual feature proposal.

Take note that these issues are only related to how this idea should work. I could also ask if the idea itself is too complicated to comprehend for most users, or if the feature should even be live on MassiveCraft. So the last two things should also be considered. But at this first step there is so many issues, so I doubt this will ever be implemented.