A Dream- Part Uno

The man tossed and turned in his bed before Daenshore's warm morning sun finally called up from his stir. Juan re adjusted himself on the bed as he let out a series of groins. He staired blankly at the old but sturdy wooden ceiling for a moment, analyzing all the knots and cracks within it before finally raising up. Juan ran his hand through the colored sheets which made up the re furnished. The bed creaked rather loudly however as the man hopped of it and made his way to his dresser mirror.

He cracked a grin as he stared at his features in vain, running a hand up his short but curly dirty blonde hair as he peered at his person. Blue eyes and a deep droq tan, the man wondered if he always looked like that before he caught the scent of spices.

The man turned heel and went off to the bed rooms door, every step being followed by a faint squeak from the loose floor boards beneath him. He hesitated before turning the knob and slowly pushing the dark wood door back and proceeding. Juan passed his gaze over the dust filled hallways, taking sight at the various thrift store decorated before proceeding down to the heavy smell of food.

Juan stopped at the edge of the hallway as he passed a warm gaze over the fading kitchen. One small table, crockpot, two windows which lit up the small room dusty room and a cupboard. This he didn't mind but what caught him most was the others in the room. His gaze first falling on the children, one boy and one girl sat at the table patently waiting for there food. They both wore old faded clothings, the boys being a mix of faded green and blue, the girls being a light red and white. Why, they couldn't of been more than ten; who are they?

The man was lost in thought until the little girl spotted him, her expression blowing up like a firework in the night sky, bright and happy, "GOODMORNING PAPA!" She cried out as the boy panned his gaze over and gave his own greeting.

Papa? Was he? The man squinted at the children, taking in there own similar features, Blue eyes, Fair skin and blonde hair, common for a Catala.

"Well glad your finally awake." Spoke a woman across the room preparing the family's food. Juan just starred at her, but not in awe or confusion like the rest. No, these were instinctive feelings, feelings for his family, for his wife.

The woman chuckled as she placed down the children's food on the table as she hurried over to her husband and replied sweetly, "Hurry up, your breakfast will get cold." And just went to give him a peck on the cheek.

Juan Mendoza awoke in a cold sweat, instantly passing a gaze around his room expecting, or wanting rather, the cozy home he was in but alas. He saw only the dusty and empty room of the captains room in his ship. The Dra'lonais blinked as the sunsets light fell into his eyes from a near by window. Was it just a... Dream?