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A D'ortonnaise Announcement & Declaration



Hear, hear nobles of the realm!

In light of recent events, conflicting announcements and declarations the noble house d'Ortonnaise would like to declare the following:

1. The Matriarch of the house will NOT be dropping charges against Vulmar Ravenstad. Far too many noble houses of the realm were blackmailed, bribed or threatened into silence under house Ravenstad. House d'Ortonnaise would like to express that this time the Ravenstads will meet a trial and will be brought to justice.

1.1 With the declarations in mind, house d'Ortonnaise will also be adding an additional charge of corruption in regards to using consular power and influence to threaten a house into submission.

1.2 Furthermore, house d'Ortonnaise will be adding a charge of threats to the list considering Vulmar Ravenstad's attempts to block exit of the Matriarch from a simple tea-room and the call for her to "jump out of the window if she wants to leave."

1.3 Furthermore, house d'Ortonnaise will be raising ALL CHARGES previously raised by house Ombré against house Ravenstand in regards to the Brissaud crisis and the related missing taxes.

1.4 Furthermore, house d'Ortonnaise will be raising ALL CHARGES previously raised by house Black against house Ravenstad in regards to the theft of a flagship and related corruption.

2. The Matriarch of the house would like to highlight that no consent of the search was given. Considering the armed personnel, the admiral d'Ortonnaise followed state military protocol of no resistance to armed officials of higher status (as per military law) and a well-made report to his matriarch later one, leading to charges raised in court. The Matriarch would also highlight that no member of any law enforcement charter was present and the warrant's author was not revealed. HOUSE RAVENSTAD COULD HAVE USED THE SITUATION TO PLANT EVIDENCE OR TO DESTROY ANYTHING CLEARLY PROVING A LACK OF CORRELATION considering the only personnel present were oathed to Ravenstad loyalty or were brought along by them.

3. The investigation found nothing, yet further investigation was announced in regards to the involvement of house d'Ortonnaise. The noble house would like to highlight that the Reverend in question was last seen IN THE COMPANY OF RAVENSTADS, with whom he was spending the entire day of his disappearance including a last showing at the CHATEAU ELENG before the dragon attack. House d'Ortonnaise would like to question the Guard Commissioner's intents of bringing a noble house under investigation that was NEITHER PRESENT AT NOR HOSTING the last event the passed Reverend was known to have attended, and announcing no investigation related to house Ravenstad.

4. Furthermore, house d'Ortonnaise would like to highlight that the Silven commissioned to investigate the proceedings around the Reverend's death during the untimely dragon attack was threatened by the consul Ravenstad and told to leave the Sancella out of the investigation and report solely to him as consul.

5. House d'Ortonnaise finds it extremely untimely and desperate on a consul's behalf to attempt to frame a reverend's death on house d'Ortonnaise only in light of the Sancella's INVESTIGATIONS INTO CHARGES OF BRIBERY against him, as well as the denial of the title of "Holy Knight" to him based on the preliminary outcomes of the investigation.

6. House d'Ortonnaise would like to highlight that it has no outstanding issues with the consulate of Ulric Typhonus and would express preliminary apologies for the dissent caused by Vulmar Ravenstad and expresses that at any time, the removal of Vulmar Ravenstad from the office of consulate and the election of a non-Ravenstad consul will mark immediate re-consideration of the following point and all of its bearings.

7. In light of all of the above, house d'Ortonnaise hereby declares that they have LOST FAITH in the Regalian state and will be entering a period of PASSIVE RÉSISTANCE where the house will transfer its loyalties directly to the IMPERIAL SEAT. House d'Ortonnaise will withhold all its taxes from the Regalian State and will be paying them directly to the Imperial Seat. House d'Ortonnaise will be co-operating with charters and organisations solely under their right derived from Imperial Prerogative, and the house will be maintaining its presence on the front solely quoting an order from the Emperor weeks prior to do so and will be transferring if the Imperial Seat deems it required.

It is a sad day when those seeking to curtail the recent crisis and act against it are falsely compromised by a corrupt state official and his extended influence, but at this point in the dragon crisis house d'Ortonnaise is of the belief that the state has lost its mind and trusts the Imperial Steward and the Emperor over a consul thrice charged for corruption and using the untimely passing of a member of the Synod to further their own agenda.

With loyalty to the Empire,
Adrienne d'Ortonnaise
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[B]Ronald Wilson Reagan[/B] ([URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English']/ˈreɪɡən/[/URL]; February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was an American politician and actor who served as the 40th...
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Juliette gave a glance to her chambermaid after reading the copied report of notice, raising a brow, "Is this exactly how she wrote it?" The maid nodded to the woman who could only scoff and rub at her eyes with a followed sigh. "Must she capitalize so much? Hard to read it."
"Oh! Now, this is much more interesting than Vidarr going missing then returning." Maximus scratched his beard as he looked over the paper a second time. "Lot's of charges."
Olivia couldn't help but chuckle as she read the notice, the many letters and treatises on her oaken desk hidden beneath the long scroll of paper. "It seems ze mademoiselle 'as quite a lot to say about ze Ravenstad." She said before putting it aside to continue her work, a small smirk still on her face. She continued, blowing on the still warm wax seal of her house, "Although her statement to exclude ze Typhonus from her rant is quite interesting as was 'e not ze one trying to alter ze 'ouse guard rights?"

A young boy, her favorite courier as he was quick with his work, waited duitfully for his mistress. Olivia handed the sealed letter to him and after instructing him where to deliver it, asked, "A suspicious act especially if what she claims is true, non?" The courier shrugged and took the letter, leaving the Ombre matriarch to her work.
House d'Ortonnaise will withhold all its taxes from the Regalian State and will be paying them directly to the Imperial Seat.

Carolyne would frown as she read the proclamation, taking a gander around the room despite its contents only consisting of a guard and a servant dusting off the bookshelves of the nearby library. "Oh dear," She'd breath out, setting the parchment down. "Sounds like rebellion."
Médard clasped his hands around the announcement with a firm composure, he made quickly down the halls of one of The Regalian Isle's many monasteries, neither tarrying nor stopping. The Abbot came to halt, resting himself and his monkish grabs on the open window of the stone hall.

"What a derivative parody.." The Abbot would begin, his words no more than a spiteful muffle.

"A quaint reminder of The Vanetti.. Those Dressonlini Bankers, we sent packing from the city." He'd muse.

"All pen, no backbone." Médard would finish, placing the article down on the window, before making an idle shuffle onwards, his expression full of thought.
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Brynn stopped to read the paper out of boredom, she'd perk a brow before scoffing, "Petty drama, I tell ya. Petty drama." She'd rip down the flyer that she read, crumpled it up, and threw it on the ground before making her way into the tavern.
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Sonja Apoleno quaintly blinked as an expression of befuddlement befell the features that lined his already tired face. "That's a lot of points," he spoke, eyes rather quickly skittering over each and every of the aforementioned accusations, owing to his surprise...

"They should spend the taxes on ships instead and prove further competency, eh?" he bemused to a patron by his side. Said Patron was delirious, drunk, and clearly not of particular mind. A slightly toothed - Some were missing - grin lined the fellow's lips, as he responded in a stark accent: "Ship Shop Shooley Dah! Haha!" to which Sonja afforded him the same, albeit fully-toothed grin... "Aye, Ships from the Shop may Shoo the Elves for good."