A Dice.

In reaction to: "Of Red And Black - A Proclamation From The Royal Council", "The Plea of a Desparate Man", and "A Message from the Organized Resistance".

@Film_Noir @PonyoWantHam @Shayin

I am under the impression that some posted slightly altered versions of an original copy, if which such is true, please tag the original writers.

A Dice

It was Cesar Martinez that was affected worst of all.

For a long time, Cesar had been the prime example of what a brother should be like with his immediate family, even if that was drastically different from how he was with the public. Nicolas and he were nearly inseparable. They had grown up together, worked together; now, it was a terrible thing for him to know that he wasn't there when it had happened. He didn't even know why Lorenzo was so keen on having Graygate collapse, even at the price of two of his relatives. Instead, the task of accompanying Nicolas to paradise was that of Carlos Martinez's, who was unconscious. Nicolas, Cesar's brother, had died alone; in the dark.

Cesar knew to keep up a strong, straight face, however, even as the many pairs of eyes befell on him as he entered the Martinez living room. Felix Martinez was surprised to see that his cousin was taking things apparently rather well, but only a few seconds after, he realized that Cesar was obviously drunk.

Felix Martinez is the brother to Carlos Martinez. A rivalry between the two had always existed, as far as it going to manifest itself when Carlos joined the Viridian Order, and Felix the Turall School of Blades. Even still, memories upon memories came rushing back. Felix, long having lived in the shadow of Carlos, who became an Imperial Guard, was now in the spotlight he always craved, and it blinded him. Regrets piled on top of more regrets, all the while the mental image of Carlos being crushed flashing before his eyes. A look of disorientation had set itself on Felix's now distant expression.

Meanwhile, Santiago only stared back at Lorenzo. His eyes mixed the expressions of blame and understanding. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't blame his brother Lorenzo for the death of his cousins.

Elenoir and her daughter only buried their chests into the comfort that was Santiago, her husband.

Lorenzo, in reaction, stuck his nose into a couple of pamphlets that had been gathered. It was a way to seek refuge from the atmosphere of the room. He blew many clouds of Anahera opium smoke into the air, each breath becoming harder to take, but at the same time, more relaxing.

"Carlos died a martyr. Nicolas died a hero." He wheezed, his expression transcending back into reality as adrenaline pumped through his veins. Santiago's daughter knew, then, that Lorenzo had read one of the three papers. "Has anyone seen Christopher Black around?" He asked, and the silence which had once been in the room became stale.

. . .
"These rebels are obviously not Unionist, for them to write about joining a demonman." He thought aloud, trying to tame the toxic air by inserting conversation. Suddenly, his heart began to race.

"And the Lo administration has lowered themselves to the same low level that the rebellions have? Pamphlets? What are they? Afraid?" He continued, now quite clearly speaking out of impulse. Santiago spoke, his voice sounding deep and soft to Elenoir, who had an ear pressed against his chest. "The Great Castle Crash brought this down upon them," he said, and immediatelly realized that he had some explaining to do to his wife and child, who were awfully confused by the happenings of what had now become a family meeting.

Felix was just about to speak when Lorenzo's desk apparently came to life, jumping towards Felix and crashing to his side. Only then did Cesar come to his senses, picking up a dice which had rolled off of the flipped table. The number 14 was on the dice, which took him aback. That wasn't normal. Furthermore, it was on all sides, that one number.

"I want to establish contact with Christopher Black for when we carry out our mission in the harbor," he said, the Martinez, all but Santiago, becoming statuelike as they froze, attempting to decipher what Lorenzo was referring to. Nonetheless, they very slowly nodded.

"It's a good thing, see, that they're blaming the fall of Graygate on Freya," he continued, Elenoir's eyes widening as she put two and two together. "It means that the rebels don't know we did it, and it means that neither do their agents in the city, the ones that put up the flyers, and thus, neither does Lo."

"For now, Santiago, just start your training for piloting that airship." Lorenzo said, Felix finally stepping in: "I was as many parachutes there as possible. I don't want anyone to die."

"It's good we're having a peaceful event, in the light of all this chaos. What about the funeral?" Said Cesar.

Then the silence resumed.

@supahcute @Kibaa @Parz1vol @Perplexed_Aris @Cain_et_Abel @TutiDias @AestheticEgg
I mean, I know I'm not in the family, but how couldn't you tag me?