Archived A Dice Command

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Mama Darkiepoo
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I was thinking about having a dice command, in which you can let a random number appear. This can be used for a variety of things, such as RP fights and other things that involve a bit of luck. The way I saw this working was a command, let's call it /dice for now, and then adding a number after that. For example, if you do /dice 6, you would roll and have an equal chance of getting a number of 1 to 6. If you do /dice 20, it would be the same but then 1 to 20. The results could just pop up in a special chat window, so that people around you can see the results as well.

Please give constructive feedback.
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I personally think dice roleplay is not freeform and demands too much strict roleplay adherance that our many young players cannot appreciate. I have the naive and possibly wrong hope that players will play things fairly instead of having to rely on an arbitrator to decide who wins where.
MonMarty That'd be lovely, if people actually did that. But they don't. Most people want to win combat so badly, that they don't care if they have to crush a whole tavern filled with orcs to do it. It's also exactly the reason why Elena isn't strong, because it pretty much sets the outcome of every fight.
Good idea, not only for RP fights but maybe gambling
It's been suggested many times before, and i don't know why it's not added, it's just a simple command, and people could choose if they wanted to use it or not. i support adding a command like that, it'd be best if the number of dice sides was configurable.
I totally see Cleaver playing a dice game with a noblewoman.
We have terrifying stories from another place of Bio playing that game with our characters.

...Terrible. Terrible stories.
It will be Mercer all over again...


While I am of course bias to the D&D throwback, using this for combat would, in my opinion, be a little pointless. Firstly, I don't think that much luck is actually involved. Maybe in an amateur fight, but in massivecraft where everyone and their mother seems to be a soldier or mercenary of some type, it won't necessarily be applicable. The only way to potentially do this might be the D&D way where you also add on a fixed number due to your strength stat or equivalent, though relying on someone to not give an OP stat is a little optimistic, and pretty much the same level of trust we have to give for combat now anyway. Having said that, as much as I love D&D, it's still a little unrealistic, especially with what massivecraft seems to be going for in terms of realism.

However, I might still want this to be implemented, as mentioned above, for the potential gambling factor, since I am up for most things that might enhance RP. My stance is still kind of neutral on this though, since I don't see the specific point of it, but I wouldn't be opposed to it either.
It will be Mercer all over again...


While I am of course bias to the D&D throwback, using this for combat would, in my opinion, be a little pointless. Firstly, I don't think that much luck is actually involved. Maybe in an amateur fight, but in massivecraft where everyone and their mother seems to be a soldier or mercenary of some type, it won't necessarily be applicable. The only way to potentially do this might be the D&D way where you also add on a fixed number due to your strength stat or equivalent, though relying on someone to not give an OP stat is a little optimistic, and pretty much the same level of trust we have to give for combat now anyway. Having said that, as much as I love D&D, it's still a little unrealistic, especially with what massivecraft seems to be going for in terms of realism.

However, I might still want this to be implemented, as mentioned above, for the potential gambling factor, since I am up for most things that might enhance RP. My stance is still kind of neutral on this though, since I don't see the specific point of it, but I wouldn't be opposed to it either.
-has never ever done anything with D&D-
why is everyone focusing on using this command for rp fights when its obvious use would be to simulate random things like gambling or other games. you can rp fights without dice rolls, but you can't rp gambling without randomness
I enjoy the current system used for RP fights now, it really sort of seperates God rp'ers from the good rp'ers.
Also because it is so easy to do so, it really actually convinces players to try and NOT fight, so they don't make those mistakes.
So instead of a dice system it could be changed to a coin system, that would eliminate a lot of chances to play unfairly. Also the result could be broadcast the same as saying something in local. Ex.: James Theyoral flipped a coin and got tails
I agree with this, however I wouldn't heaving rely on it. It would be one of those things you used when there is an argument over whether how likely a fist would hit or something when it is mass debated among-st a crowd OOC.
Maybe the dice also bases the number you get off of your skills?
I was thinking about having a dice command, in which you can let a random number appear. This can be used for a variety of things, such as RP fights and other things that involve a bit of luck. The way I saw this working was a command, let's call it /dice for now, and then adding a number after that. For example, if you do /dice 6, you would roll and have an equal chance of getting a number of 1 to 6. If you do /dice 20, it would be the same but then 1 to 20. The results could just pop up in a special chat window, so that people around you can see the results as well.

Please give constructive feedback.

I don't quite like the idea of dice Roleplay. I find it to be quite annoying, however, you are right about the fact people wish to win so badly, i personally try to do the contrary, but that's just me. So... maybe the RolePlay staff could do something about it, an alternative to dice Rp, which is more newcomer-friendly, like maybe a set of rules about Rp combat or just a general thing that could be passed on by the more experienced rpers to the newbies, like when people inform others that such thing would not be possible to do because it is against the server lore.
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