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A Denunciation Of Garret Ames.

A public denunciation of Garret Ames.

Upon losing a spar with my bastard daughter, he opted to choke her. Not only with his hands but with rope. He has attacked other members of my employ in the past, Ronald Grey, a sailor in my company was stabbed repeatedly by Garret Ames after he had fallen over. Following the attack, he accused my family and staff of attacking him.

For matters of transparency I did once hire Garret Ames, and I imagine these attacks continue against those in my employ and those I am close to because of his frequent rejections at the hand of my married sister who he often attempted to woo.

It amazes me that our Holy City would even allow the dregs of men like Garret Ames to command an entire company of mercenaries.
This man is a cesspool of disgust. He is like the pus drawn out of a boil, or the rot that consumes the cisterns beneath this City.

Alvaro de Santigo,
Count of Avanca,
Kaperflotten Inspector.
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'To Count Santigo,
I myself have suffered verbal abuse from this piece of dirt. The fact he can command a whole group of mercenaries baffles me! Maybe an enquiry to relieve him of his duties and replace him with someone who actually has good morals and doesn't assault the innocent could be extremely helpful. I'd like to help you to tackle this issue and condemn Garrett Ames for good.

Signed, 35b84c4b24ed4f68409f689df27f4c83.png '
Juliette looked at the letter in slight surprise as she read it before lightly shaking her head with a sigh, "You've done it now, Garret."