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A Denunciation Of Dishonor


From the Desk of Lord Ulric Typhonus
Since the foundation of our grand lineage, the House Typhonus has constantly and consistently served the Realm and the Crown on the field of battle. We have served the armies, providing troops, supplies, and capable Generals from within our family. We have served the Fleet, providing countless ships, offering the facilities to construct the formidable Calemberg Third Lines and Second Lines, and raising seasoned Admirals to command them. So long as the House Typhonus exists, we will continue to put the military needs of the Emperor at the forefront of our priorities, as is our duty.

But with such a holy calling, comes regard and experience with the subtleties of combat. Honor on the Field of Battle is the most noble tenant of warfare, one that we of the House Typhonus hold very dear. A breach of such a sacred tenant comes with disastrous consequences. Was it not dishonor on the field, by way of wanton pillaging and burning by Buhr and Ruyter forces, that resulted in a tenfold increase of resolve in the Elven forces, and therefore an extension in the already costly war in Daen?

It is on that notion that I, Lord Ulric Typohonus, Duke of Calemberg and all titles thereunder, do denounce the sheer hubris shown by Ser Jared Kade displayed this evening during the Spring Jousting Tournament. By offering a hand to his fallen opponent, and then subsequently releasing him prematurely and allowing him to fall to the ground while outfitted in full plate, is an embarrassment to the competitive sport of recreational combat, and a furthermore embarrassment to all noble fighters of the School of Tenpenny which he so fervently sought to represent with his display.

Certainly there will be those who accuse me of bias with this statement. There will be claims that I only draft this denunciation due to my fair association with the Lord Karalais. And perhaps there will be some who believe that this statement is unwarranted, and that it is only a mere joust. To all those who hold such sentiments, know that I pen this with great remorse, as Ser Jared is a close associate of mine. It pains me to witness such behavior, especially between peers. Furthermore, while the sport of jousting is certainly nothing compared to warfare, it is, nonetheless, a form of combat, where honor must be respected.

May the Spirit bestow upon Lord Jared Kade the strength to overcome his past misgivings, and strive towards an attitude befitting of his station.

Furthermore, let it be publicly known that the House Typhonus does not support not condone the violent and aggressive behavior undertaken by Lord Percival Karalais, nor Lord Jared Kade, nor the rest of the House d'Ortonnaise Life Guard. With this denunciation, I speak only to Lord Jared's unfortunate slight, not to the actions after.

Spirit save the Emperor, and may his strength guide our Holy Empire.

Lord Ulric Typhonus
Duke of Calemberg and all titles thereunder,
General of the Crown Banner,
Grandmaster-Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fox Tails,
Patriarch of the House Typhonus,
Ex-Chancellor in Glorium

@LumosJared @Mooffins @WhoeverElse
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